Sad bride with her groom | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER
Sad bride with her groom | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

'This Wedding is Canceled!' Groom Shouts After Learning the Truth About His Bride – Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Mar 05, 2024
04:36 P.M.

With butterflies fluttering in her stomach, Jane was all set to marry Victor, the man of her dreams, in a true fairytale wedding. However, everything shattered just moments before the ceremony when Victor learned Jane wasn't a virgin.


Victor's heart raced with anticipation as he quietly slipped into the bride's dressing room, the forbidden territory before the ceremony. The room, adorned with soft white and pink hues, was empty except for Jane. She looked breathtaking in her satin gown, and Victor was unable to take his eyes off her.

"Jane," he whispered, his eyes brimming with awe and desire. "Oh my God! You look...gorgeous!"

Startled, Jane turned around, her hazel eyes widening in surprise. "Victor! What are you doing here? You know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. Go...please! Wait for me at the altar."

Victor stepped closer, the air between them charged with excitement. "I couldn't wait. You look...unbelievable, babe."

Jane's smile softened for a moment, but her eyes flickered with a hint of unease. "You'll see me soon enough at the altar," she said, playfully nudging him away.

Undeterred, Victor wrapped his arms around her. "I want us to be together before we say our vows. It'll make the ceremony even more special...and memorable. You've been avoiding this for the past two years. You're gonna be mine today...and forever. So what's the big deal? Jane, babe, I want you. Let's do it...now!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Jane's expression shifted, her smile turning serious. "Victor, we've waited this long. Let's not rush these final moments. Let's save it for our wedding night today. Patience is rewarding, darling. Now, please leave before someone catches us together!"

"But I want you, right here, right now," Victor's voice dropped, his eyes searching hers for a flicker of shared desire.

But Jane gently pushed him back. "This day is about more than just us. It's about our families, the celebration. Let's not lose sight of that. We need to keep up with the tradition."

Victor's face clouded with frustration. "Isn't it also about what we want? What I want? C'mon, babe...Just five minutes. No, make it ten. I can't control myself after seeing you in this gown…"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Jane reached up, touching his cheek softly. "Victor, honey, stop. It's about what's best for us, together. Today's not just a formality. It's a promise. A little longer won't change how we feel."

Victor's hands paused, his breath warm against Jane's skin. "We don't have to wait any longer," he murmured, his voice a mix of desire and urgency. "We're gonna be husband and wife."

Caught in the whirlwind of his affection, Jane laughed softly, "Victor, the ceremony is about to start. Everyone's waiting for us. I don't want to ruin my makeup...and dress."

He brushed a strand of hair from her face, his eyes burning with love. "Let's have our first time now, here. It'll be our secret, something beautiful just for us. Come here. Hold me. Shhhh…keep it low…"


Jane's smile faltered, the playful glint in her eyes replaced by a sudden seriousness. "Victor... you're not the first," she said softly, almost as an afterthought.

Victor froze, his eyes searching hers. "Wait, what did you just say?"

Jane anxiously bit her lip, the casualness of her tone fading. "I meant...before you, there was someone else. It's not my...first time. I mean. I…Victor, honey, why are you looking at me like that?"

The room seemed to spin around Victor as he stepped back, his expression crumbling into disbelief. "You're not...YOU'RE NOT A VIRGIN?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Jane's face softened with disbelief. She feared she'd spilled the beans on her past at the wrong time and place. "Victor, I didn't think it—"


But Victor was hardly listening. "All this time, you never thought to tell me?" He barked, holding his head and walking around in circles.

"It was in the past. It doesn't change how I feel about you," Jane tried to reach for him, but Victor stepped away, clenching his jaws and fists.

"How can you say it doesn't change anything? This changes everything!" he yelled. "How could you lie to me? How could you think I would marry you…LIKE THIS?"

Jane's eyes welled up with tears. "I didn't lie to you. I love you, Victor. That's what should matter, not my past. I thought you'd understand."

Victor ran his fingers through his hair, struggling to process her words. "God, ENOUGH! Just enough...stop! I...I was going to sleep with a woman someone else slept with? DISGUSTING!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


As he turned and walked out, leaving Jane alone in her bridal gown, the room felt suffocatingly silent, the dream of a perfect wedding day shattering like fragile glass.

"Victor, honey, please allow me to explain. It was just a—" Jane nervously stopped his way, stretching her arms wide, her eyes filled with agony.

In a sudden outburst, Victor's hand swept across the table, sending their framed photographs crashing to the floor. "How could you hide this from me? Do you have any idea what you've done to me, Jane?"

Jane flinched at the sound of shattering glass. "Victor, I didn't think it would matter. I thought what we have is stronger than my past. I thought you were broad-minded…and would understand. Please, I didn't hide it intentionally."

Victor's anger boiled over. "Stronger? You think our relationship can just overlook this? I can't even look at you the same way now! You disgust me. God, how did I...how did I miss such an awful truth?"

Jane's voice cracked, "Victor, please, let's talk about this...after the wedding."

But Victor was already storming out, his footsteps echoing her worst fears. "There's NO WEDDING! And there's nothing left to talk about, Jane," he yelled over his shoulder, leaving Jane alone amidst the ruins of their perfect day.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Jane's voice broke as she chased after Victor, her tears smearing her meticulously done makeup. "Victor, please, wait! Don't do this to me. My parents would be hurt. Please...Just give me a chance to explain. Please…"

"Oh, really? And they're okay with you sleeping with someone else before your wedding, huh, Jane?" Victor barked, sidling past Jane. "Do you think I'm some fool to accept someone's used and thrown toy?"

Jane ran after him, pleading with him to stop. But Victor was already at the balcony, his voice thundering over the murmurs of the guests.

"THIS WEDDING IS CANCELED!" he declared, his face etched with betrayal and fury.


Jane stumbled to a halt, her heart pounding. "Victor, don't do this," she whispered, reaching out to him.

Ignoring her plea, Victor's voice rose, laced with scorn. "I thought I was marrying a pure, clean woman. But what I got..." He turned to Jane, his eyes cold and jaws clenched, "is a secondhand toy. Used and thrown away by another man. This woman over here is UNFIT to be my bride!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

The crowd gasped, their whispers turning into a cacophony of shock. Jane's face crumpled, her sobs echoing through the stunned silence. She wished this were a dream. She hoped this wasn't happening. But every word Victor uttered reminded Jane that she was living a nightmare.

"How can you say such things?" she cried, her voice quivering. "I thought you loved me for who I am! Victor, please stop. You're embarrassing me in front of everyone. Please, stop."


Victor bitterly laughed. "Love? How can I love someone who's been to bed with someone else? You're not wife material, Jane. You're just a...fling. More fit for one-night stands, you get me?"

Those words cut through Jane like a knife, her sobs growing louder as she watched the judgmental glances of the guests and Victor's parents. Maybe being pelted with stones would've seemed less painful than those unkind stares she amassed.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Victor turned his back on Jane, his eyes refusing to leave hers. "You might be good enough for a night of fun but not for a lifetime commitment. I wanted a wife, not a used and thrown secondhand toy."

With those crushing words, Victor stormed off, leaving Jane alone on the balcony of Le Paradise Resorts, her dreams shattered around her.


The crowd's whispers felt like thorns, each word a reminder of her broken heart. Jane stood there, a solitary figure amidst the ruins of what was supposed to be the happiest day of her life.

As Victor stormed out, Kira, a familiar face from the crowd, caught up with him. "Victor, wait!" she called, a flirtatious tone in her voice.

"What do you want, Kira? Not now. I'm not in the mood to talk, okay?" Victor stopped and turned to her.

Kira leaned in, her voice a whisper of intrigue. "Look, I'm sorry you're going through this, okay? It's not your fault, Victor, trust me. I met Jane in college some years back. She wasn't the angel she pretends to be."

Victor's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


With a sly chuckle, Kira divulged, "Jane's wild college days...let's just say she had her share of fun, including a little love story with a guy everyone knew."

Victor's fists clenched, his fury reigniting. He glanced up at the balcony where Jane stood, sobbing. Grabbing a bottle of whiskey from a passing bartender, he took a long, angry swig, his gaze still fixed on Jane. "She cheated on me by not telling me about her past the two years we dated…that damn vixen!" Victor swore under his breath, his eyes blazing with hatred.

Kira, sensing her moment, slid her arms around him. "You deserve better, Victor," she cooed, turning to address his parents. "Don't worry, Mr. and Mrs. Gray. I'll take care of him. Right now, your son needs some sunshine and fresh air...away from all this mess."

As Kira led Victor to his car, Jane watched from above, her tears a silent testament to her disbelief and pain.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


Kira's voice drifted up from below, laced with false concern. "Don't worry, Victor, I'm here for you now." Numbed by the alcohol and betrayal, Victor allowed Kira to guide him away, his last glance at Jane filled with hurt and anger.

"Victor, please come back..." Jane sobbed uncontrollably as she watched the car pull away, her heart in pieces.

In her haste and anguish, she ran down the hallway and tripped over the train of her gown, crashing to the floor with a heavy thud. Everything blacked out for Jane.

When her eyes fluttered open, revealing the harsh reality of her ruined wedding day, she found herself lying on a couch in the hotel. Her vision, blurred by tears and mascara streaks, focused on the bartender looming over her.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concern etched on his face. "I hope you didn't hurt yourself, Miss."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


Jane collapsed back onto the couch, her sobs renewed. "I'll never be alright again," she cried, the pain in her voice raw and unfiltered.

The bartender hesitated, then sat beside her. "What happened? One minute everything was fine, and the next..."

Wiping her tears, Jane choked on her words. "My fiancé...he left me. Because I told him...I wasn't a virgin."

The bartender's expression changed subtly, a smirk playing on his lips. "Did you pick him up from the Middle Ages or something?" he chuckled.

Jane sat up, anger flashing in her eyes. "Stop. How can you laugh? This isn't funny! My wedding's off. My fiancé walked out on me."

The guy sighed and raised his hands in a placating gesture. "Sorry, sorry. I just...it's hard to believe someone would end a wedding over that, you know?"

Jane's face crumbled again. "Well, believe it. He called me...used. Said I'm damaged goods. A secondhand toy."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


The bartender shook his head, his earlier amusement fading. "That's gross. I'm sorry. People can be...well, old-fashioned in their thinking sometimes."

Jane buried her face in her hands. "I thought he loved me for who I am. But all he saw was my past."

The bartender leaned in, his tone soft and sincere. "Anyone who judges you for your past doesn't deserve your future. You're more than one aspect of your life. Look, I'm no one to advise you. But trust me when I say this. Don't cry for someone who doesn't deserve you, okay? Those tears...they are precious. So, don't waste them for someone so undeserving…and judgmental."

Jane looked up, her eyes meeting his. She saw a glimmer of understanding in them, a brief respite from her turmoil.

The bartender's expression softened as he watched Jane's tears flow. "I'm Marcus," he said gently. "If it helps, you can talk to me. Sometimes sharing grief makes it lighter."

Jane sniffled, a fragile smile touching her lips. "I'm Jane. You know, it's just...I never thought my past would ruin my future."

Marcus leaned in, his eyes full of empathy. "Tell me more."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Taking a deep breath, Jane began. "In college, I was with Jake. We were young, in love. My parents were out one night, and we...it was my first time. It was supposed to be beautiful. It was! Memorable and amazing."

Marcus nodded, encouraging her to continue.

"But Jake cheated on me. After that, I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love again unless it were the real deal," Jane broke down. "Then I met Victor at a friend's wedding. We just clicked. I thought he was my happy ending. I thought I'd found my Prince Charming the day Victor got down on one knee with a ring and popped the question."

Marcus's brow furrowed. "And your Prince Charming didn't know about your past?"


Jane shook her head. "I never thought it mattered. Until today, when he called me...impure. God, please tell me this is a dream. Please tell me this isn't real."

Marcus reached out, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Jane, you're not defined by a single moment in your past. Victor's reaction says more about him than it does about you, okay? So, you don't have to blame yourself for what happened. You can't go back in time and change your past. But you can change your future...by making your present count."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Jane looked up, her eyes searching his. "But why wasn't my love enough for him? Why did my past matter so much?"

Marcus sighed. "Some people are trapped in their own prejudices. They can't see beyond their narrow view of the world. Like they say, to each his own!"


Jane's tears flowed freely as she faced the painful truth. "I thought we were going to have a life together. He promised he would never leave me...no matter what."

"You will have a life," Marcus said firmly. "A better one, without someone who can't accept you for who you are."

In Marcus's kind words, Jane found a small beacon of hope amidst her heartbreak, a reminder that her worth wasn't tied to someone else's acceptance. However, she couldn't hold back her tears.

Marcus couldn't stand the sight of Jane crying. "Damn him," he muttered under his breath, his disdain for Victor evident. "Jane, please, stop crying. You're only hurting yourself more."

But Jane's sobs continued, her grief a relentless tide. "How can I not? My whole life's been turned upside down. Everything is…over."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


Seized by an impulse, Marcus's eyes sparked with a daring idea. "What if we get back at him? A little revenge?"

Jane's crying halted, her tear-streaked face looking up in surprise. "Revenge? How?"

Marcus took her hand, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Show me your honeymoon suite."

Hesitantly, Jane led him down the opulent hallway. "This was supposed to be our first night as husband and wife…in this suite," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "Now, it's just a room of broken dreams."

As they entered the luxurious suite, Marcus let out a low whistle. "Wow, this is fancy. Did Victor pay for this?"

Jane nodded, her eyes still brimming with tears. "Yes, he did. He booked the most exquisite suite to celebrate our first night."

A grin spread across Marcus's face. "I've got it!" He grabbed the landline receiver with excitement. "Let's order the most expensive things on the menu and a bottle of the finest champagne. Let Victor foot the bill."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


Jane looked at him, a flicker of curiosity in her eyes. "You think that will make a difference?"

Marcus's smile was contagious. "It's not about making a difference. It's about taking back a piece of this night for yourself. On his dime."

Jane paused, considering the audacity of the plan. For a moment, the weight of her heartache seemed to lift, replaced by a sense of daring empowerment.

"Okay, let's do it!" she exclaimed. "Let's make this a night to remember in our own way. Order the finest of everything!"

As Marcus dialed room service, Jane felt a surge of something unfamiliar yet invigorating—a touch of recklessness, a taste of freedom from the pain. Still, in a cranny of her heart, raw memories of Victor and his hurtful words tormented Jane, prompting her to drink and dance the night away with Marcus.

As the laughter echoed through the suite, she felt a spark of joy for the first time since her world had crumbled. She looked at Marcus, her heart fluttering in a way she couldn't define.

"This is crazy," she giggled, tossing a pillow at him. "I haven't laughed like this in...I can't remember when."


Marcus caught the pillow, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Well, that's what happens when you let go and just live in the moment."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Jane felt a wave of gratitude towards this stranger who had turned her night of sorrow into one of unexpected joy. "I don't know what to say, Marcus. You've made this night...special. Who are you? Why...why did you come into my life?"

He smiled, showering her with rose petals. "That's the point, Jane. Life's too short for regrets. Maybe we were destined to meet!"

Their laughter filled the room, a temporary balm to Jane's aching heart. But as they jumped on the bed, a sudden realization hit her. Her laughter turned into sobs, the pain of her broken marriage resurfacing with a vengeance.


"Why, Victor? Why did you do this to me?" Jane cried out, her voice raw with emotion, her breath stinking of champagne.

Marcus's face softened, his playful demeanor replaced by concern. "Jane, it's okay. Let it out. You've been holding on to so much pain. Cry your heart out."

"I thought he loved me," Jane wept, her body shaking with each sob. "I thought we were going to build a life together."

Marcus moved closer, putting a comforting arm around her. "Sometimes, love isn't what we think it is. And sometimes, people aren't who we think they are."

Jane leaned into him, her tears soaking his shirt. "I just wanted to be happy. Was that too much to ask?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


"No, Jane, it wasn't," Marcus whispered, his voice gentle and breath caressing her neck. "You deserve happiness. And one day, you'll find it. Just not with someone like Victor."

In Marcus's embrace, Jane found a fleeting solace, a reminder that she wasn't alone even in her darkest moments.

"Everything will be alright, Jane. You'll see. Calm down. Breathe. Recall the most beautiful moments in your life," Marcus held Jane's shoulders and continued in a soft whisper.

Jane shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "It's over. I dreamed of this wedding, the ring, marrying the man of my dreams. And now...it's all gone."

She took a deep breath, the pain evident in her voice. "That night with Jake...it was an accident. A moment I couldn't control. It doesn't make me what Victor said...a secondhand toy."

Marcus's heart ached at her words. He hugged her gently, the soft light casting a warm glow around them. "You're not any of those things, Jane. You're a wonderful person who deserves love and respect."

Jane leaned into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his breath on her skin. "Marcus, I'm just...so lost right now."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

He brushed her hair back, his touch tender, and his eyes filled with a promise Jane couldn't decipher. "It's okay to feel lost. But you won't always feel this way."

Their eyes met, and in a moment of raw vulnerability, Jane pulled Marcus into a tight hug, her lips locking with his in a passionate kiss. Immediately, Jane pulled back, regret flashing in her eyes. "I'm...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

Marcus laid her gently on the bed, his gaze steady. "Jane, you don't have to be sorry. We're just two people, finding comfort in each other."

Jane looked up at him, her eyes searching his. "I don't want to make another mistake. I don't want to use you to forget my pain."


Marcus smiled softly. "You're not using me. We're just sharing a moment, nothing more. No expectations, no judgments."

Jane sighed, relief and confusion storming her heart. "I just wish I knew the right thing to do."

"Sometimes," Marcus whispered, "the right thing is just to let yourself feel, without worrying about right or wrong."

In that quiet room, with only the sound of their breaths, Jane found a temporary refuge from her shattered world, a moment of peace amidst the chaos.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

"I'm sorry for kissing you like that," Jane whispered an apology again.


Marcus gazed into her eyes, a gentle smile on his lips. "Don't be. It's not my first kiss, but the best one I've ever had."

Jane's eyes searched his face, vulnerability etched in her features. "Do you find me disgusting?"

Marcus gently took her hand, his voice filled with sincerity. "You're the most beautiful and amazing woman I've ever met. You're perfect just the way you are."

Before Jane could respond, Marcus leaned in, his lips meeting hers in a soft, reassuring kiss. He then reached out, turning off the lamp, enveloping the room in a comforting darkness.

As the night unfolded, Jane felt a connection she couldn't quite define. Every touch from Marcus…every kiss breathed life and hope into her soul. Lying there with him under the satin sheets, she wondered if fate had played a hand in bringing them together.

The night passed like a dream as Jane and Marcus made love. As dawn's first light crept through the windows, she slowly opened her eyes, feeling a sense of peace she hadn't felt in a long time.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


Wrapped in the satin sheet, she turned to her side, expecting to see Marcus beside her. But the space next to her was eerily empty. The kind stranger who had brought love back into her heart had vanished without a word...without a trace.

Jane sat up, confusion and a sense of loss washing over her. "Marcus?" she called out, her voice echoing in the silent room. She thought he was in the bathroom. But there was no response, only the soft rustle of the satin sheet and the distant sound of the waking world outside.

A storm of emotions swirled within Jane. Had the previous night been real? Or is it just another dream that was shattered too soon? Jane hugged her knees, looking out the window, trying to make sense of her feelings, the night that had been, and the empty space beside her where Marcus had slept, holding her hand.

"Maybe Victor was right," she muttered, her eyes brimming with shame and regret. "Am I just a toy to men? Am I just some use-and-throw tissue?"

She remembered Marcus's laughter, his touch, and condemned herself. "How could I trust a stranger? God, how could I sleep with him? I'm just proving Victor right."

Her self-doubt deepened, her thoughts echoing Victor's cruel words. "I am impure," she whispered, tears blurring her vision. "No man will ever see me as anything more. No man would ever want to marry me."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

As Jane grappled with these painful thoughts, the sound of the door creaking open startled her. Her heart leaped, hoping it was Marcus returning. She turned around, her face lighting up with a fleeting hope.

But it was Victor standing in the doorway, not Marcus.

"Victor?" Jane exclaimed, her eyes bulging in surprise and suspicion.

Victor's eyes scanned the room, landing on the messy bed and then on Jane. Her heart sank, and her brief hope dashed. "What are you doing here, Victor? Come to insult me more?" she asked.

"Well, this is the honeymoon suite I paid for, right? Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? Were you waiting for your ex-boyfriend here…to reignite your old romance at my expense, huh?" Victor smirked, his gaze ironic.


Jane's heart sank, her fear of public humiliation resurfacing. She stammered, "I...I'm sorry for being here. I didn't think I'd see you again after yesterday. I was...I was a bit drunk, and I slept here. I'll...I'll leave right away."

Victor's expression hardened. "So you just decided to move on? Just like that?"

Jane could not immediately decipher why he had come. "I'll leave, Victor. I'll walk out of your life and never bother you again."

But Victor cut her off, crossing his arms. "Look, I've been thinking about what happened…and I've decided something. I'd rather have a 'flawed' wife than be the talk of the town for a broken marriage."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


Jane stood speechless, her mind reeling from his words. Mustering her courage, she managed a feeble, "Wha-what do you mean?"

Victor's tone was firm. "You have 30 minutes. Clean up and get ready for our rehearsal dinner. We're getting married tomorrow!"

As Victor left, Jane stood there, torn between the guilt of her recent one-night stand with Marcus and the prospect of becoming Victor's wife. She forced herself up, her movements mechanical as she showered and dressed, preparing to face her new reality.

As Jane stared at her reflection, she saw a woman preparing for her wedding yet again, and she couldn't help but wonder if this was what she truly wanted. The reflection in the mirror was a bride, but her eyes told the story of a woman trapped in a whirlwind of emotions, making choices she wasn't sure were right.

Jane took a deep breath, steadying herself for the evening ahead. The rehearsal dinner, a symbol of a new beginning, felt like stepping into an uncertain future.

Victor's grip on Jane's waist was firm as he paraded her in front of the guests, his smile wide and charming. Jane felt like she was in a dream.

Why did he change his mind? Can I really be his wife now? Did he forgive me? Or is this the beginning of another heartbreak? she pondered, her smile forced as she greeted the town's elite.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Leaning in close, Victor whispered, "Smile for the camera, Jane. Let's show them how happy we are."

Jane complied, her smile a well-crafted mask. Yet, her eyes betrayed her, constantly scanning the room. She was searching for Marcus, the bartender who had given her a night of genuine laughter and love. Her heart ached for a glimpse of him.

Jane's gaze darted across the bustling hall as they posed and smiled. But Marcus was nowhere to be found. Each flash of the camera felt like a spotlight on her inner turmoil, and the forced smiles starkly contrasted her longing and confusion.

Jane's interactions with the guests were a blur, her responses automatic. "Thank you for coming," she would say, her voice empty of the joy such a day should have held.


Victor, basking in the attention, seemed to have forgotten the previous day's chaos. "Isn't she stunning?" he boasted to a group of admirers, his arm possessively around his bride.

Jane nodded and smiled, playing her part in the charade. But her mind was elsewhere, lost in thoughts of Marcus and the stark difference between her genuine connection with him and the hollow performance she was now part of with Victor.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

As the evening wore on, Jane's smile never wavered, but her eyes remained restless, searching for someone who wasn't there, longing for a feeling that seemed to have vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

Victor leaned in, his voice an evil whisper. "Go get me a drink. It might help me tolerate the sight of your disgusting face."


Jane felt her heart shatter into a million shards. Victor's words cut deeper than any physical wound. "But Victor, why..." Jane's voice trailed off, her eyes pleading for some shred of the man she thought she loved.

Victor's eyes were cold, his smirk cruel. "I'm marrying you to show the world I am a forgiving man. Imagine taking the hand of a used doll like you. My reputation will soar."

Jane's world spun, his words like blows to her soul. "You can't mean that, Victor. You said you loved me."

Victor raised his eyebrows mockingly. "Love? This is about reputation, Jane. No one else would marry you for more than a night. But I…I'll be the saint who did."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


Jane's vision blurred with tears, her body trembling. "How can you say such cruel things?"

With a dismissive wave, Victor ordered, "Just bring me the drink, Jane. Stop making a scene and do what I say. You must obey me if you want to live with me."

As Jane moved away, her steps felt heavy, and her heart was weighed down by the realization of what her life with Victor would become. The fairytale she had dreamed of was now a nightmare she couldn't wake from. Escaping seemed impossible. Staying seemed like a death sentence.

Resigned, she swallowed her tears and walked towards the bar. Each step felt like a march towards a future she dreaded, a life dictated by a man who saw her as nothing more than a tool for his own image.

The lights, the music, and the laughter around her felt suffocating. Jane was alone in her despair, a puppet in Victor's cruel game, her dreams of love and happiness shattered by the harsh reality of her circumstances.

As Jane neared the table, her eyes landed on Kira, who was holding a glass of champagne and smirking at her. Jane watched, her heart sinking, as Kira sidled up to Victor and whispered flirtatiously.


"Last night was amazing, Victor. I can't wait for more," Kira purred, her eyes locked on his as she ran her finger across his chest.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Jane's world spun. Victor, who had condemned her for her past, was unashamedly engaging in an affair. Her voice trembled with anger and hurt as she confronted him. "Victor, how dare you shame me for my past when you're no better?"

Victor's response was a harsh bark. "Shut up, Jane! You have no right to question me. I'm from the elite class; you wouldn't understand the first thing about it. Mistresses are a norm for some of us."

Jane's heart shattered. "So, my past is a problem, but your affairs are not? Is that your morality?"


Victor sneered, his voice cold and unfeeling. "You should be grateful I'm even considering you as my wife."

The cruelty in his words was like a physical blow to Jane. She stood there, her heart cracking, as the truth of Victor's hypocrisy and the depth of his cruelty became painfully clear.

The injustice of it all—the double standards, the public shaming, and now this revelation—was overwhelming. Jane felt a profound sense of betrayal and heartbreak. The man she had loved, the man she had wanted to spend her life with, was a stranger to her now, with his true nature revealed most painfully.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

"If I leave you, Jane, you'll be on the streets! Who else would want you?" Victor's voice echoed across the room, amassing curious glances.


Suddenly, a familiar voice cut through the tension from behind Victor. "I'd love to punch you right now for talking to her like that."

Jane's heart skipped a beat when she saw Marcus standing there. Gone was the bartender outfit; in its place was an expensive, well-tailored suit. He looked entirely different, sophisticated, and powerful.

Jane's eyes were wide with shock. "Marcus? What are you doing here?" she gasped in confusion and disbelief.

Marcus stepped forward, staring daggers at Victor. "I couldn't just stand by and watch this man treat you like this."

Victor scoffed, turning to face Marcus. "And who are you to intervene?"

Marcus's jaw clenched. "Someone who respects her more than you ever will."

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


Jane looked between them, her mind racing with questions. "But Marcus, last night...you were a bartender. But you...you look different now...how...?"

Marcus turned to Jane, a softness in his eyes. "There's a lot you don't know about me, Jane. But right now, what matters is you don't deserve any of this. It's time to end this circus."

Victor laughed derisively. "So, a bartender comes to the rescue? This is interesting!"

Marcus ignored Victor, his focus solely on Jane. "You deserve someone who sees your worth, Jane. Someone who loves you for who you are, not for what they want you to be."

Victor's face contorted in confusion and anger. "Who the hell are you, and why are you interfering? Leave my fiancée alone, you pervert."

"Isn't he the bartender from the wedding that never happened?" Kira chimed in with a smirk.

Marcus brushed off their comments, his eyes entirely on Jane as he gently took her hand. "Jane, what are you doing with this guy? Why are you still here with him?"

"Marcus, I thought you left...after last night. I thought you ran away," Jane nervously replied.


Victor's face twisted into a sneer. "Holy—! You slept with a bartender? How low can you stoop, Jane?"

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Before Victor could continue, Marcus turned to him, his eyes blazing with fury. "Enough, Victor. You have no right to judge her. One more word, and I swear I'll make you regret it big time."

Then, turning back to Jane, Marcus reached into his blazer and pulled out a small velvet box. "If by running away you mean going to pick out the most beautiful ring for the most incredible woman I've ever met, then yes, I did run away!"

The room fell silent as Marcus opened the box, revealing a stunning diamond ring. "I'm not a bartender, Jane. I'm the son of the man who owns this hotel. I was undercover to evaluate our hotel's services before I soon took over as the new boss," he revealed.


Jane's eyes widened in disbelief. The man she thought was a kind-hearted bartender was now revealing himself as someone entirely different, someone who had stepped into her life in the most unexpected way. Victor, Kira, and the rest of the guests looked on in shock. The scene before them unfolded like a dramatic twist in a movie, with revelations and emotions colliding.

Jane looked at Marcus, then at Victor. Her mind raced. The revelation about Marcus and his genuine care for her contrasted sharply with Victor's cruelty and manipulation. In this moment of truth, Jane's heart and mind were in chaos, faced with choices she never imagined she would have to make.

The room was charged with tension and surprise as Marcus knelt before Jane. "Will you marry me, Jane?" he asked, his eyes filled with sincerity and love.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


"Back off, Marcus! She's engaged to me. We're getting married tomorrow!" Victor stepped forward and barked.

But Marcus's gaze didn't waver from Jane. "If you interrupt again, Victor, I swear I'll punch you."

Jane, tears streaming down her face, looked at Marcus. "Are you...are you serious about this?"

"I don't care about your past, Jane. What matters to me is who you are," Marcus nodded.

Jane's heart fluttered amidst her tears. "And who do you think I am? Be honest."

"You're the most amazing woman I've ever met," Marcus declared. "I want to be with you, to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?"

With a trembling smile, Jane whispered, "Yes!"

The room erupted into murmurs as Victor stood frozen in shock. Jane gently removed the engagement ring that Victor had given her, her face radiant with tears of joy. Marcus took her hand, sliding his ring onto her finger.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER


The guests watched, some in awe, others in disbelief, as Jane and Marcus embraced, their love sealing a bond that had blossomed in the most unexpected circumstances.

In that moment, Jane's world transformed. The pain and heartbreak of the past days melted away, replaced by the joy of being loved for who she truly was. And as she looked into Marcus's eyes, she saw a future filled with hope, love, and acceptance.

As Jane and Marcus shared a tender kiss, the room buzzed with mixed emotions and whispers from the guests. Breaking away, Jane turned to face Victor, a small smile playing on her lips.

She reached into his blazer pocket, placing his ring there. "Victor, true love isn't about terms and conditions. It's about understanding and acceptance."

Victor, still reeling from shock, managed to find his voice. "Jane, you can't be serious. You're choosing a stranger over me?"

Jane's eyes sparkled with newfound strength. "I was terribly broken when you called off our wedding. But now I see it was all for a reason."

She glanced at Marcus, her hand firmly in his. "You saw me as a used doll, Victor. But Marcus saw me as someone who deserved love, kindness, and joy. He saw my heart. Not how many men I went to bed with!"

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Victor's face twisted in confusion and anger, but Jane focused elsewhere. "I'm leaving with Marcus. I'm going to live a life full of love and happiness...a life I always wanted."

As they turned to leave, Marcus spoke up, his voice calm but firm. "Jane deserves someone who sees her worth, Victor. Someone who loves her unconditionally. You'll regret losing her one day!"

Victor watched in shock as Jane and Marcus walked away hand in hand, leaving the hotel and all its dark memories behind. The guests murmured among themselves, some in support of Jane, others in disbelief at the turn of events.

As they stepped outside, Jane felt a weight lift off her shoulders. The pain and uncertainty of the past faded, replaced by the promise of a future with Marcus.


"Thank you for believing in me," she whispered to him.

Marcus squeezed her hand. "Thank you for being you, Jane. Our story is just beginning."

Together, they walked into their new life, free of regret and guilt and brimming with love and happiness.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / LOVEBUSTER

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

I was trapped in a marriage to a criminal and feared ending up buried beside his two previous wives. However, one dinner changed everything. I finally got a chance to escape, but placing my trust in my husband's henchman was my last resort. Here's my story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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