Man packing his clothes | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe
Man packing his clothes | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Man Mocks and Dumps Loyal Wife for Another Woman, Life Dumps Him Later – Story of the Day

Rita Kumar
Mar 28, 2024
07:23 A.M.

"This marriage is over...even if you sculpted yourself into an hourglass, I won't lay a fingernail on you!" David fat-shames his wife, Megan, and dumps her for his secretary. But soon, fate turns things around and David reaps the consequences of his actions.


The aroma of sizzling spices hung in the air as Megan hummed a love song. She set the table with a cocktail, chicken roast, and every delicacy David loved. "Perfect!" she sighed with a smile, her fingers grazing over the table adorned with white silk.

David was set to arrive any minute. He hadn't called or told her anything. But she knew he would be home—on the day of their fifth wedding anniversary.

Oh, I hope he hasn't forgotten…No, I'm sure David is on his way from the airport. He was supposed to return today from his business trip...

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Anxiety and joy hammered in her veins when the front door creaked open, a rusty hinge groaning like a funeral cry. Megan couldn't help but smile as David stepped in. His face, usually etched with tired smiles, bore an uncanny joy.


"David, you're back!" Megan exclaimed. He barely acknowledged her, his gaze raking over her like a spotlight searching for flaws. He didn't tell her she looked good. David never complimented Megan for anything. In a cranny of her heart, she hoped he would say at least something nice about how she looked today, only for the crimson on her cheeks to instantly fade.

"What the hell are you even wearing? You look fat in this!" David mocked.

Megan's smile crumpled and died like a fragile butterfly. Her eyes met his icy stare, and she couldn't think of why the pink satin dress she wore didn't please him.

"Oh, why? Don't you like this dress, honey? It's our anniversary today," she whispered, her voice barely audible like a plea lost in the wind. "Did you...did you forget?"

A humorless chuckle, devoid of warmth, escaped David's lips. "Of course not," he clenched his jaws. He reached inside his blazer, his fingers brushing against something hidden.

A flicker of hope sparkled in Megan's eyes. She thought those were tickets to Paris. She'd told David she wanted to holiday in Paris during Christmas.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


"I have something for you," he said. He pulled out an envelope from his pocket, and Megan's heart plummeted like a stone dropped in a well when she grabbed it and pulled out the contents. It wasn't a gift, not the kind she'd hoped for.

The smile she'd fought so hard to maintain finally shattered, and her eyes welled with tears that refused to fall. "What is this, David?" Megan shakily asked.

"It's a present...for you!" he scoffed. "Don't you like the surprise, honey?"

Blinded by tears, Megan stumbled forward, her hand reaching for David's. "I thought these were the tickets to Paris...wha-what is this?"

"Read, Megan," David drawled, his voice devoid of the warmth or love of a husband who was supposed to celebrate his wedding anniversary. "Have you forgotten to read?"

The unforgiving and cruel word—DIVORCE—stabbed her eyes. Five years of love and dreams were reduced to two brutal syllables.

"Tell me it's a joke..." Megan whispered, tears waiting to stream down her cheeks. "You're joking, right, David?"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


"Joke?" David's laugh echoed in the room like a monstrous bark. "I don't have the time to joke around with you. Because...I hate you. Hear me? I hate every single minute I see your damn ugly face!"

"Filing," he spat. "Packing. Moving on—that's what I've come here today for, my dear soon-to-be ex-wife!"

"Please, no. This can't be..." Megan whispered, hope fluttering in her like a wounded bird.

"It's over. I can't do this with you anymore. I can't lie to myself," David frowned. "I'm here to take my things and go."

His words pierced Megan like a bullet. She wished this was a big, bad dream. But the sounds of the clock ticking in the room and David's heavy breaths told her otherwise. This was no dream. She was living a nightmare.

"Why?" Megan forced a whisper out of her mouth.

"Why?" David scowled. "Just look at yourself in the mirror...you will know why."

"Five years," Megan spat, her voice seething with tears and fury. "Five years I held this marriage together, stitch by stitch, while you were off chasing money in foreign lands! What about all those promises, David? Do you recall our vows on that sun-drenched beach when you slipped the ring on my finger? Where did they go? Lost in your luggage on some forgotten layover?"


David stood unmoved like a granite statue. His eyes held nothing but a chilling emptiness, and there was clearly no room for poor Megan in his heart anymore.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"We can fix this," she pleaded, her voice cracking. "We can work through it together. Please, don't do this to me. I can't live without you. You're all I've got, David. You're my only family. Please don't leave me."

"Family?" he scoffed, the word tasting foreign on his tongue. "My family died with your parents in that damn crash, Megan. They vanished two years ago, leaving me with nothing but the ashes of your expectations. Do you know how I bust myself off day and night to earn money? You can't even find a job. Look at you! Who's gonna hire you anyway?"


Her tears fell like rain on a parched land as David's cold words sliced through her heart like a sharp Bowie knife.

"Just packing and leaving today. I'm done with you. You can stay here...be glad your dead parents at least left you this house," he frowned. "Taking what's mine and leaving."

"No, no, no...David please," Megan burst into tears. "This can't be real. David, please don't do this. You're breaking me."

"Welcome to reality, Megan," David said with a cruel curl of his lips.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"David, please...we can visit a therapist together. Maybe sort things out. Why are you doing this to me? I love you..." Megan ran after David, trying to stop him from loading his clothes and essentials into his bag.


"Therapist?" he jeered. "No amount of couch-cushioning can fix the mess you've made of this marriage. And let me remind you—you're the one who's sick, not me!"

His words pierced Megan's heart like poisoned daggers. "Maybe you're the one who needs therapy, Megan," David added.

Megan's breath got caught in her throat. She couldn't believe David would call her 'sick' for her inability to give him a child. She thought they'd talked about this several times.

She thought David had understood the pain she was going through as a woman. She'd trusted him when he'd promised he would wait until she was healthy enough to conceive again after the fateful miscarriage two years ago, around the same time they lost their parents.

"David, why..." she stammered. "Maybe we could see Dr. Thompson again. He helped us before."

"He couldn't save a sinking ship, Megan," David's laugh echoed in the room, shattering her fragile hope.

"This ship," he continued, his voice low and dangerous, "has already sunk now. And you, my dear, were the captain who steered it straight into the rocks. Let me tell you again—it's not about the baby. It's about you. And I don't like you anymore."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Megan's legs began to tremble. Her heart was a mess of emotions. "Why?" she whispered. "Why, David? Why?"

But David turned his back and stormed across the hallway with his bag. "I don't owe you explanations. This marriage is over. And I'm finally free," he said, reaching for the door.

Megan's heart raced like a herd of zebras on seeing a blood-thirsty lion. "Please, no, no, David. Please don't leave me," she cried.

But nothing would melt David. Yet, Megan ran after him and stood in his way before he could open the door. "Wait, David," she pleaded, her voice ragged with tears. "Just one chance. Please. I haven't done anything wrong..."


"Of course you have," he spat.

"What do you mean?" she cried, confusion twisting her features. A lifetime of memories flickered past, each one a testament to her devotion. "I love you, David. I did everything for you...how could you say this to me?"

"Oh, really?" he hissed. "You were always pushing for your damn babies when I wasn't even ready. Then you got pregnant and had a miscarriage. And now, you can't even give me a baby when I want one. People are saying things behind my back. They think I have a problem when the real problem is...YOU!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"David...?" Megan choked, the question hanging heavy in the air. "But...I thought we discussed it. I'm undergoing treatment for that. I'm healing...and those medicines I'm taking won't bring about a miraculous change overnight. It takes time," she whispered.


"I can't wait. Besides, I have better choices, Megan," he scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping his lips.

"Choices? What do you mean? What must I do to make you stay?" she cried.

"No time for your stupid games, alright?" David, his face etched with a cruel indifference, brushed past Megan.

"Besides, someone is waiting for me in the car," he continued, his eyes glinting with a strange spark of joy. Megan's tears spilled like a dam bursting. She could partially guess what was going on.

"Wh-who is it?" she stammered.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"Someone who appreciates a man who isn't afraid to move on," David's lips curved into a cold, predatory smile. "Someone who understands me better and doesn't keep nagging all the time."


"Who?" Megan choked, her voice barely audible through the fog of tears. "David, who is it? Why are you doing this to me?"

His smirk widened, cruel and unsettling. He raked her from head to toe, the once-loving gaze now cold and frustrated. "Really? You don't know why?"

"Look at yourself, Megan," David mocked. "You've let yourself go, lost all that beauty I once adored. Layers of fat have taken over your hourglass figure. Oh, don't get me started now...But let me break it to you—it's someone both of us know."

Each word felt like a whiplash across her soul as Megan looked him in the eye. "Jessica!" David continued. "My secretary, remember? Always fit, polished, and sexy!"

The air thickened with his unspoken comparison, a suffocating fog of betrayal. The Paris tickets, the broken promises, and his hatred—it all clicked into place, a shard of truth piercing her heart.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


"You were... cheating on me?" Megan stammered, tears tracing hot tracks down her pale cheeks. "With your secretary, Jessica?"

"Bingo!" David snapped, his eyes gleaming with sickening joy. "Two tickets, one for me, one for the future I deserve." He grabbed his suitcase and swung the door open.

"David, wait!" Megan choked, scrambling after him. "Please, don't do this. Don't leave me..."

"There's nothing left, Megan," he turned to her with a chilling stare that lacked the love and warmth Megan once saw in his eyes. "Only ashes of a broken marriage!"

"It can't all be over just like that," Megan pleaded, her voice raw and hoarse. She shoved the wedding album at him, the leather worn thin, the pictures yellowed from years of love.

"Remember these beaches, David? Our vows, whispered in the breeze? Have you forgotten?" She held up her wedding ring, the diamond glinting like a cruel eye. "Without you, I'm..." she choked, the word "lost" refusing to escape her lips as she grabbed David's bag.

"Let go, Megan," David hissed. "It's over. I don't love you. Maybe you need to prioritize other things in your life. How about visiting a dietician, huh? Trim that spare tire, learn some control over food...and maybe you could find a fool to play your love games with. I'm done with you...and this marriage!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Tears dried up, replaced by a flicker of steel in her gaze. "I'll do anything," she pleaded, her voice regaining its edge. "Just don't leave."

"This marriage, Megan, is over," David scowled. "Even if you sculpted yourself into an hourglass, I won't lay a fingernail on you! It's as simple as that. You're boring...ugly, the dullest, most annoying wife on earth."

"And don't forget the damn papers!" David's voice echoed as he slammed the door shut and left Megan with a suffocating silence. She sank to her knees, the plush rug swallowing her sobs. "Boring," "pathetic," "unwanted" — the labels, once unthinkable, now clung to her like a barbed-wire fence.

Megan was so mad at David that she ordered three boxes of pizza and sausages for dinner. She replaced her diet Coke with a regular. She ate like a starving beast that night and cried herself to sleep on the couch.


This isn't the end, Megan whispered after waking up with a start. The clock struck three in the morning. Megan couldn't sleep a wink after that. She wanted to set her memories on fire. Although gone, David still haunted her mind and soul like a predator stalking its prey in the wilderness.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Days bled into nights. A cluttered mess of pizza boxes, red wine stains, and tissues sodden with tears littered the floor. Megan had no patience or heart to clean.

She clung to her childhood plushie, its worn fur offering her the much-needed comfort. Megan shut herself away from the outside world. She didn't want people calling her names behind her back or blaming her for her failed marriage.


A voicemail from her friend Veronica shattered the stillness as Megan hogged on a slice of leftover pizza from last night. It had gone stale, but she was hungry and too exhausted to cook.

As the day wore on, Megan gathered her wedding photos and trinkets in an iron bucket. With a trembling hand, she doused them in gasoline and set them ablaze.

It ached her heart to watch the hungry flames graze her precious memories. Megan snatched a saucepan of water and doused the fire, leaving only a smoldering heap of ash and half-burnt photos. She sighed. She was at least able to save this much.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Suddenly, a sharp knock startled her. Megan quickly rubbed her raw and red-rimmed eyes when her best friend Veronica walked in. "What's wrong with you, Meg?" she barked. "I've been calling you all week. Not a damn reply to any of my texts. What the hell's wrong with you?"


"He's gone," Megan choked, the words tumbling out like broken glass. "Left me for another woman."

"David? Well, not surprised, Meg," Veronica said, gently placing her hand on Megan's shoulder. "He wasn't exactly Prince Charming on a white horse. He's a jerk! I warned you, didn't I?"

The truth, sharp and unexpected, pierced Megan's heart. Had she been so blinded by love that she missed the cracks in her own marriage? Had she been so drowned in love that she failed to see who David was on the inside?

"This isn't your ending, Meg," Veronica added. "It's just a new beginning. I know what you must be feeling now. But trust me...trash those emotions. He doesn't deserve a single tear from your eye."

"You may be right," Megan said. "But how do I...how do I move on? How do I forget him? I loved him, Ronnie. It's not that easy. It's like he promised me a beautiful voyage at sea. He blindfolded me and led me by my hands. And then when I open my eyes...he's gone. David's gone," Megan cried into Veronica's shoulders.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Veronica's gaze swept over the messy apartment, landing on the tear-stained tissues, stale pizza boxes, and the overflowing ashtray. "Megan, honey," she said, her voice firm but laced with concern, "…you look like hell. Look what you've done to yourself. Please...you don't deserve this. You need to stop thinking of him."

"I'm okay," Megan flinched, her eyes puffy and red.

"Okay?" Veronica scoffed and arched her brows. "You need a doctor, girl, not empty reassurances. You need help. For once, stop thinking about that cheater."

"It's not that easy, Veronica. I loved him. Truly loved him."

"Love or not, Megan," Veronica hugged Megan tightly. "this isn't the life you'd always dreamed of. You need to think about yourself...about your life. You're only 34. But look at you..."

"Sometimes," Veronica continued, her voice firming, "letting go is harder than holding on, but it's also the only way to heal, Meg."

Megan nodded, her tears soaking into Veronica's shoulder. "I know," she whispered, the pain raw in her voice. "I just... I blame myself for everything. For not controlling my diet. For overeating. I could never be the wife David wanted."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"Cut it out, Meg," Veronica whispered. "Blaming yourself won't change anything. He left, and you can't force someone to stay. You deserve better—not someone who only sees how big your bra cups are getting! He needs to get a life, girl. You're amazing the way you are!"

"He worshipped me once," Megan sobbed, her voice raw with heartbreak, "and now... I'm just another broken doll on his shelf. Another unwanted...used...freaking doll."

Veronica pulled back, her eyes filled with fierce determination. "You, Megan," she sternly said, "...are not a broken doll. You're a strong, beautiful woman who deserves more than scraps of affection from a man who never truly saw you. Who left you for some damn chick in his office."


"But... what do I do now?" Megan looked up, a flicker of hope igniting in her eyes.

"You pick up the pieces, sweetheart," Veronica smiled. "You rebuild, rediscover yourself, and find happiness...the kind that doesn't depend on someone else's validation."

"How am I gonna do that?" Megan turned to her. "No man will like me...looking like a blob of meat."

"Honey, there's a whole ocean of men online," Veronica declared. "Even real ones, with hearts that aren't wilted like David's. Real men who love a woman head to bottom. Real men who would love you...not your appearance."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Megan curled her lip, a flicker of doubt extinguishing the spark of hope. "Are you sure, Ronnie? Dating...online? Would a guy still want to date a woman like me…dealing with a broken marriage?"


Veronica snatched Megan's phone, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "High time you stopped mourning the Titanic and boarded a new ship, girl!" With a flurry of taps, she installed a dating app and created a profile that made Megan's breath hitch.

"Go on, try it, girl," Veronica winked, pressing the phone into Megan's hand. "Enjoy life, meet someone new. You deserve it. You deserve to be happy...not whine over some damn guy who deserted you."

Megan stared at her profile picture. She thought she looked gorgeous. After Veronica left, Megan couldn't shake her head off meeting someone online.

That night, takeout burgers and lukewarm Coke were Megan's party pals. Sprawled on the couch, she clicked on the app, a nervous flutter in her chest.

Her thumb grazed a button, and suddenly, her face filled the screen. Megan rehearsed a smile, seeing herself on the phone screen. Yet she didn't know a secret admirer was watching her from the other side. Due to a minor glitch in her network, she couldn't see the man's face and thought she was alone online.

"Hi, you look gorgeous!" a message suddenly popped up, sending Megan into a tailspin. Her cheeks flushed a deep crimson, and her eyes bulged. She was just out of the shower, with only a towel clothing her body, and under eye patches.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

With a panicked swipe, Megan shut down the app, flinging the phone onto the couch. Nails digging into her palms, she took a ragged breath. Curiosity sprawled her heart like a stubborn seaweed. She slipped into her clothes and returned online as her fingers grazed the chat box.

"Did I scare you off?" a stranger still waiting for her asked in a low rumble as soon as Megan's face appeared on the screen. "Sorry about the 'gorgeous' comment. I didn't mean to—"

Megan felt her cheeks flush again, but it wasn't just embarrassment this time. Like a mischievous kitten, curiosity peeked through the cracks of her fear when she saw the guy smiling at her.

"It's…okay," she replied, her eyes glistening with anxiety. "I'm just not used to this."


"Neither am I," he laughed. "But hey, who knows, maybe we can get used to it together?"

A sly smile flickered on Megan's face. The world outside the screen once shrouded in shadows, seemed to shimmer with a new, uncertain light. Maybe…just maybe, this was the kind of guy she needed to help her heal...to help her fill the cracks in her heart.

The man on the other side introduced himself as Robert. "Call me Rob!" he said, holding out his hand. And in that virtual handshake, Megan felt a spark ignite, a flicker of hope that refused to be extinguished.

"Megan," she replied. "Friends call me Meg!"

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"Nice to meet you, Meg!" Robert continued as Megan felt herself floating in the air in a fantasy world where butterflies and dandelions were the size of mammoths. She was so thrilled. Robert's smile, voice, and everything about him told her—'What if...what if he's the one?'


"You have such a beautiful smile, Meg," Robert added. "I couldn't help but keep admiring you when you first came online!"

A nervous cough escaped Megan's lips as she plastered a smile. The man's compliment sent a blush creeping up her neck. "First timer here…accidentally clicked a button. Next thing I know, I'm streaming live!" she laughed, her cheeks hot with embarrassment.

"Gorgeous mistake," Robert teased. "Don't worry, you look stunning, live or not. You're just perfect!"

Megan's laugh was genuine this time, a bubble of relief rising through her anxiety. Something about Robert, she didn't know if it was his smile, his flattering speech, or politeness, struck her.

"How about I make it up to you?" he asked, his eyes sparkling. "Dinner tonight? My treat."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


"Yes," Megan breathed, her heart skipping a beat. She didn't know where she mustered the courage to tell it. And there were no regrets. She was excited to meet this man.

Robert's smile widened before he winked. "See you at eight, then, at La Café Bean. Can't wait to meet you properly, Megan."

Megan's stomach fluttered with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. Never had a date felt so exhilarating, so...unknown. And so romantic…even if their bodies didn't touch.

Fear lingered in the corner of her mind like a phantom shadow. David's image, cold and calculating, flickered briefly. But Robert's genuine smile, his gentle voice, chased it away as she went offline and rushed to her room to get ready for the night.

A hot shower later, the scent of English roses and shea butter lotion clung to her skin as Megan stood before her closet. Dresses lay discarded like fallen leaves, and she finally settled on a black georgette piece, its soft fabric cradling her body.

Bouncy waves framed her face, catching the light like a halo. A touch of mascara, a hint of blush, and a whisper of her sweetest perfume, paired with minimal jewelry, let her natural beauty take center stage.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Megan could barely recognize the woman in the mirror—eyes bright, lips a hint of chocolate brown, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. It wasn't just the dress. It was the spark in her eyes that radiated her happiness.

Megan took a deep breath, the air tasting sweet with possibility. Tonight wasn't just a date. It was a step into the unknown— the promise of a connection, a smile, and a chance at a new life.

With a final twirl, she grabbed her purse. Butterflies danced in her stomach, a symphony of excitement and fear. Tonight, she was ready to face the unknown, meet the man on the other side of the screen, and see if the dating app on her phone could paint a picture of a future worth believing in.


Just as Megan reached for the doorknob, she froze. The rasp of a key turning in the lock sent a jolt of dread through her. Her joy and excitement evaporated like mist when David swaggered in, his eyes scanning Megan like a ruthless predator.

"Moving day, sweetheart," he hissed, his voice laced with a cruel edge.

Megan swallowed the words caught in her throat. To reveal her newfound joy felt like handing him another weapon to butcher her heart. His gaze settled on her, a smirk twisting his lips. "Going somewhere tonight?" he drawled, his voice dripping with mockery.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"Just...out," Megan stammered, nervously clutching her purse.


"Answer me, Megan. Don't play games. Where exactly are you going tonight?" David barked.

Her heart hammered against her ribs. "Your stuff," she managed, pointing to a pile of boxes and suitcases in the corner. "I packed it yesterday. To save your time."

"Well, at least you did something besides wallowing in pizza and tears!" David scoffed, his fingers grazing his beard. "Wait a minute...you look different."

"I'm working on my diet," Megan replied, attempting to reclaim some control. Although David wanted nothing to do with her, she was still afraid of his taunts and the level he'd stoop to bring her spirits down.

David threw his head back and laughed. He strode towards his bag. Nothing felt more suffocating than his very presence. "Signed the papers yet?" he barked, his eyes narrowing.

"It's in the other pocket," Megan choked out, her voice trembling. David retrieved the divorce papers, a smug smile on his lips at seeing Megan's signature.

"Well done, princess," he arched his brows. "One good thing you've managed in this mess."

Megan's heart raced when her phone buzzed, a sharp ping against the suffocating silence. It was a message from Robert, asking her if she wanted him to pick her up. "Are you done here?" she turned to David.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"Plans for the night, I see!" David jeered, his gaze raking over her.

Tears prickled Megan's eyes, but she clenched them shut. David had never allowed makeup, and she'd spent a good hour today in front of the mirror with her favorite makeup palette and brushes after a long time. She couldn't ruin it, not for him.

"Moving on already, are we?" his eyes narrowed. "Not so clever, my dear. You think I wouldn't notice this...sudden makeover?"

The floor seemed to tilt beneath her as David lunged forward. "Get this straight," he snarled. "No matter who you find, they'll leave. You're boring and ugly, and no amount of makeup can hide that. If you still find someone, I bet he'd be blind!"


David's words pierced Megan's heart like poisoned darts. She could no longer hold back her tears. Not after he said that and continued to say more, tormenting her with his cruel words like a sadist torturing a poor worm with a needle.

"Pathetic," David spat, his eyes glinting with malice. "Nothing hides your ugliness, Megan, not even the low-neck dress or this makeup."

His words stung her. Megan could not take it anymore. "You're wrong," she whispered, her voice trembling but firm. "I may be broken, but I'm not ugly."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Megan's newfound audacity irked David. She'd never argued with him in the five years of their marriage. David's eyes snagged on the delicate diamond necklace adorning her throat. With a rough hand, he snatched it, the chain snapping against her skin. This was her punishment for arguing with him.


"That was my wedding present," Megan whispered, her voice raw with shock.

"No marriage, no gifts," David sneered. "Consider it rent. Sort of like our marriage, no? Paid for, used, and discarded! Besides, my aunt gave this to you. It's not yours anymore!"

He shoved the necklace into his pocket, a cruel smile twisting his lips. "Jessica will love it," he added, his eyes lingering on the tear tracks on Megan's cheeks. With a final, piercing stare, David grabbed his bag and strode out, the door slamming shut like a tomb door.

Stranded with tears blurring her vision, Megan stumbled towards her phone. The screen flashed with a call from Robert. Her heart ached, but answering felt impossible. She couldn't let him hear her cry or know that she was shattered.

Leaving a breathless message, she fled to her room, mascara-stained fingers fumbling with makeup. The date she was so excited about now felt like a cruel joke. But staying trapped in her tears was the only thing worse. And Megan decided not to do this to herself.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


With trembling hands, she applied concealer and another coat of lipstick. Going out was terrifying, but staying home was drowning. So Megan picked herself up, stepped out into the moonlit streets, and waved at an approaching taxi.

"Le Café Bean, please," she instructed the cabbie and settled in the backseat, her heart fluttering with joy and sorrow to see Robert. She wished she could hug him and cry the moment she saw him. She was that broken, to say the least.

The taxi screeched to a halt, jolting Megan from her thoughts. The grand facade of the restaurant, bathed in warm light, loomed before her. She took a deep breath, her heart drumming a nervous beat against her ribs.

Inside, a waiter led her through a velvet curtain, revealing a private dining area for couples. There he was, Robert—her date—seated at a table bathed in candlelight. His smile widened as he saw Megan, his eyes sparkling with genuine warmth.

"Megan," he gasped with a glowing smile. "You look absolutely stunning. Even more so than on the video call."

Megan's cheeks flushed under his compliment, a mix of flattery and fear twisting in her stomach. Her mind, scarred by past betrayals, whispered warnings. Rob could be another David, another master of deception...another butcher of hearts. Yet, something in his eyes, a kindness she hadn't seen in David's, made her heart rebel...and melt.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"So sorry I'm late," she stammered.

"No apologies, no explanations. Just you, here with me. That's all that matters!" Robert waved his hand dismissively as he dragged the wooden chair for her to sit. It felt different. David had never treated her this way. It had been only minutes since they locked eyes, but Megan had already started feeling like a queen.

"Still, I am sorry for making you wait," she insisted, the words tumbling like a waterfall. "I told you I'd be here by eight. But I'm an hour late."

"A woman like you, Meg, is worth every second. Believe me!" Robert chuckled, his eyes twinkling.

The blush deepened on her cheeks, and a smile bloomed on Megan's lips. Robert's charm and his genuine warmth were a stark contrast to David's cold indifference. But the scars of the past, the whispers of caution, still lingered in her mind.


Megan's mind and heart were caught in a tug-of-war between fear and a flicker of hope. Could she trust this man, this stranger who smiled with his eyes and spoke with kindness? Or was this just another cruel trick, a mirage in the desert of her broken trust?

"Excuse me for a minute," Megan mumbled, a nervous tremor in her voice.

"Take your time," Robert said with a smile.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Megan flashed him a shy smile, her heart doing a giddy skip. Clutching her phone tightly, she hurried towards the ladies' room. The cool air slapped her face as she raced to the mirror.

She stared at her reflection, willing her pounding heart to calm down. "Rob's a good guy," Megan whispered, pep-talking herself. "He's nothing like David, not even close. He's... he's..." Words failed her, replaced by a warm, bright feeling that bloomed in her chest. "A gem...a genuine, kind-hearted gem," she said. Tears welled up in her eyes, tears of joy and relief.


"Head over heels," she confessed to her reflection. "This is it. This is love. Not the slow, stagnant kind that settled over the years, but the kind that ignited like a supernova, bright and fierce, even after just a few minutes. The kind I felt in my bones the moment I saw Rob, the kind that makes me want to spend every sunrise and sunset with him. Rob's the one. Yes...I know it!"

Megan straightened her shoulders, a newfound resolve hardening in her eyes. She was done hiding, done letting fear dictate her life. She was ready to embrace this happiness, this unexpected gift. With a smile brighter than the restaurant's chandeliers, she turned to join her date for dinner.

But the joy died in her eyes when she reached the table. It was empty. A tremor ran through Megan, her smile fading faster than the sunset. She searched frantically, her heart sinking with each passing second.

Panic clawed at her throat as she approached the waiter, her voice barely a whisper. "Have you seen...my date? Rob? He was…he was sitting here…"

"He just left, miss. He said he had to get going somewhere." The waiter's face creased with confusion.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


Megan felt the world tilt on its axis. Rob, the man who had painted her future with hope just moments ago, was gone. Once filled with the promise of laughter and love, the air now tasted of dust and bitter disappointment.

Tears, hot and silent, streamed down her face as she stood there, alone and adrift. Am I that unlucky with love? Megan whispered and slumped onto the chair, tears gathering in her eyes.

I...I thought you were different, she whispered, her voice choked with tears. The betrayal, sharp and unexpected, left her reeling. How could you walk away after what we'd shared...after the sparks that flew between us?

Just as Megan battled the storm of emotions within, a figure emerged at the edge of her vision. Robert held out a bouquet of lilies with a sheepish grin.

"For embarrassing you on the livestream," he mumbled, his eyes apologetic. "But seeing you so real, so natural...it melted my heart the moment I saw you. Sorry, I had to step away to get these for you. Do you like the flowers?"

Megan's breath hitched. The tears, poised to fall, retreated, replaced by a flicker of warmth. Could it be true? Was this not another cruel trick, another illusion? Had Robert come back...for her?


She looked into his eyes, searching for answers, for the truth hidden beneath the surface. Her lips parted, words tumbling to the tip of her tongue, but before she could speak, a sneeze erupted from her, shattering the moment.

"Bless you!" Robert chuckled, his eyes sparkling with genuine amusement.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"My friend recommended the app," Megan managed, her voice still shaky. "She said it was different...it was better!"

"It was," Robert's gaze intensified as he agreed. "Because it brought me to you."

But before she could respond, another sneeze tickled her nose, forcing her to rub it with a nervous hand. Robert watched her, a smile playing on his lips. The vulnerability and clumsiness were all too endearing, and he couldn't help but sit there, admiring Megan.


"Bless you again," he laughed.

Another sneeze erupted, spraying pollen across the table. Rob's brow furrowed with concern. "Hey, those lilies are messing you up! You could have told me you're allergic to them."

Megan waved a hand dismissively, her voice still husky from the sneeze. "It's okay, really. I couldn't turn down such a sweet gesture, could I?" She glanced at the lilies, a bittersweet ache in her chest. They were beautiful, just like Robert, but also the source of her misery.

"Pollen allergies?" Robert teased. "Or are you just trying to get rid of the evidence of my embarrassing debut on the video call?"

"Maybe a bit of both!" Megan chuckled.

"So," she pressed, her voice regaining strength, "tell me about you. What do you do for a living?"

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe


"I'm a doctor," Robert's smile widened. "And as a doctor, I can confidently tell you that you're allergic to those lilies."

He flagged down a passing waiter with a practiced ease. "Take these beauties away, please," he instructed, his tone a charming mix of concern and amusement.

Megan watched him, her heart swelling with admiration. The way he handled the situation, with kindness and respect, was a stark contrast to David, who'd only ever cared about himself. A laugh bubbled up in her chest, genuine and unexpected.

Rob's eyes crinkled at the corners. "Why are you laughing?" he asked.

"It's a long story," Megan admitted, a smile playing on her lips. "But let's just say...I guess I needed to see a doctor, and it looks like I found one after all!"

"Well, now that you've found your doctor, tell me about you, Meg. I want to know everything," Robert leaned closer, his eyes locked with Megan's.

Megan took a deep breath, her fingers twisting on the table. Telling Robert about David, about the divorce, felt like walking a tightrope over a pit of blazing fire. She had fallen for this man, this kind stranger who'd made her laugh with his compliments and care. Losing him was a terrifying thought. And Megan wasn't ready for another heartbreak.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"I'm single," Robert confessed. "Work, you see, it always took priority. Saving lives and serving people…that's what fueled me. Never had the time, or maybe the courage, to find love."

"But then you walked into my livestream, a ray of sunshine in a world of darkness. And my widowed mother, bless her soul, can't wait to see me settle down."

Tears welled in Megan's eyes, tears of relief and hope. Before she could speak, Robert reached for his phone, his face lighting up with a smile.

A moment later, her phone buzzed. A GIF flickered on the screen—a bouquet of vibrant red roses, their petals shimmering like the spark in her eyes. "Couldn't leave you without any flowers," Robert chuckled, his eyes twinkling.


"Tell me everything about you," he whispered, leaning in, his gaze capturing hers. "Your dreams, your fears, your wildest stories. Everything."

Megan took a shaky breath, the words tumbling out, each one a piece of her soul laid bare. She spoke of David, the darkness in their marriage, shattered hopes, and a broken heart. She confessed that until meeting Robert, she'd never believed in true love, not even in the fairy tale kind.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Robert listened, his face etched with empathy, his eyes filled with understanding. Hours melted away, punctuated by laughter and shared secrets, the clink of glasses, and the warmth of his touch.

He dropped her home, the night air heavy with the promise of something new. Megan, nestled in her bed, admired his photo on her phone, a smile plastered across her face. This happiness was a feeling she'd never known existed. But as she drifted off, a shadow crossed her mind—David's face, a grim reminder of her past, flickered before her eyes, threatening her newfound joy.


The happiness and freedom felt fragile, threatened by the echoes of a storm yet to pass. Fear clawed at her throat. This happiness, could it last? Or was David lurking in the shadows, waiting to claim her once again? Would he ever let her be happy and move on?

Several months passed.

After a tumultuous divorce, Megan found herself amid the clatter of cutlery in a luxurious restaurant. She was engrossed in her phone when a familiar voice sliced through the restaurant's buzz.


For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Megan turned around with a start and found herself face-to-face with David—an unsettling sight after months of divorce-forged distance. The man who once reveled in tuxedos and tailored suits now stood in a rumpled blue shirt and faded jeans, his face clean-shaven, his eyes sunken.


"Hi, David," she said, forcing a smile.

"Megan. You look...great!" he offered a hesitant smile.

The compliment, sincere or not, felt like a punch to the gut. "I'm doing well," Megan replied, her voice tight. "And you?"

"Jessica and I... we're separating," David's smile faltered.

Megan's breath caught in her throat. Jessica, the trophy wife David had flaunted during their marriage, the woman he'd left Megan for, was leaving him. "I'm sorry," Megan said, the words hollow and grave.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"Don't be. I deserved this. Leaving you...it was the biggest mistake of my life," David said, his voice carrying an uncertain regret and guilt Megan knew she couldn't trust.


"I never stopped thinking about you, Meg. About your goodness, your kindness...everything I took for granted," David swallowed hard. "But I...I didn't know how to reach out. I was so guilty."

The room spun, the weight of his words pressing down on her. David, the man who'd built walls of arrogance, was confessing vulnerability, his carefully constructed facade crumbling. Megan, unsure of how to navigate this new landscape, sat there, bitterness swirling within her like a storm waiting to break.

"Meg," he whispered, his voice thick with regret, "Can we talk? Please?"

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

"Please, Megan," David pleaded, weighing her silence. "Let's start over. I'll do anything to make you happy. Just give me another chance." His words hung in the air as he desperately extended an olive branch across the table.


"What's the plan for the night, beautiful?" David pressed, trying to fill the void. "Dinner? A movie? Anything you want."

But a man's voice cut through the tension before Megan could answer. "Excuse me, may I help you?"

Robert, his face etched with concern, stood beside Megan and gently cupped her shoulders. David's eyes widened with disbelief, the air crackling with unexpected tension and disappointment.

"Sorry, who are you?" he spat.

"I'm Rob, Megan's fiancé!" Robert replied.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

The words hit David like an axe. Megan, her face flushed, placed a hand on Robert's arm. "Actually, David, Rob and I are getting married soon!"


"Ready to go, beautiful?" Robert, his eyes twinkling, turned to Megan.

"Yes, let's go, honey. See you, David!" Megan smiled and rose from her chair.

With one last look at David, whose face mirrored a storm of shock and defeat, Megan locked her hand in Robert's and walked away, leaving David stranded with the ghosts of his past, his joy slipping through his fingers like grains of sand.

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

For illustration purposes only | Source: YouTube / DramatizeMe

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

A man mocks his unemployed wife for being idle and returns home, only to be greeted by silence. He finds a note and learns his wife was taken away in an ambulance and wants to divorce him. Here's the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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