Sleek white car approaching in woman's direction | Source: LOVEBUSTER
Sleek white car approaching in woman's direction | Source: LOVEBUSTER

I Fell in Love with a Millionaire Who Nearly Ran Me Over – Story of the Day

Sonali Pandey
Feb 16, 2024
03:56 A.M.

I was on my way to an interview when a rich man in a sleek car almost ran me over. I thought he was just another arrogant guy from the elite class. But I realized I was wrong when he stepped out of his car and offered to help. I'm Lia, and this is my love story.


The sun was shining brightly that morning, making everything look golden. I was holding my coffee cup tight, rehearsing answers for a very important job interview. I needed this job to help pay for my dad's medical bills and our rent.

While I was drinking my latte and thinking about the interview, a white car stopped very close to me. If the driver had been a second late, I'd be under the car. I was so scared that I spilled my coffee on my white blouse.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

The man driving the car was wearing expensive sunglasses and looked rich. He yelled at me, "Hey! Watch where you're going, dumb chick!"

I couldn't believe he almost hit me and then blamed me. I got really angry and said, "Excuse me? YOU almost hit me! And I'm dumb?"


He didn't care and told me to move. I was so upset that I threw the rest of my latte on his car's windshield.

He got out of his car, looking really mad. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he asked.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

I stood my ground, angry and upset. "You need to watch where you're driving!" I said.

He then told me he was late for work and didn't have time to argue. A lot of cars were honking behind us. He then offered to buy me a new blouse so I could go to my interview.

I didn't want his help at first, but I really needed to get to my interview. So I got in his car, still angry.


In his car, everything felt fancy and expensive. I felt out of place.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

I asked him if he was always rushing to important places. He glanced at me briefly in the mirror. "Yes, actually. I have a business to run."

"Must be nice, having such big responsibilities and the money that comes with it," I said, my words laced with a bitterness I didn't try to hide.

He sighed, a hint of fatigue in his voice. "It's not always what it seems. Sometimes, it's more of a burden."

I was surprised when the rich guy said having money was hard. "Tough being rich, huh?" I joked.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

He chuckled and told me to be quiet so he could drive. I was still mad at him for being rude, but I'd started to think maybe he wasn't so bad.

We went to a fancy boutique, and he told the staff to bring the best five blouses fast. I felt out of place and didn't know what to do.

He noticed and told me to hurry up and pick a blouse. I chose one, but it was too fancy and expensive.

He didn't care about the price and told me just to pick one quickly. I tried on a blouse, but it was too tight, and I got stuck.

He came to help me and said, "Hold still," as he unbuttoned the blouse. Then he looked into my eyes and said, "You have gorgeous eyes."

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

I was shocked and didn't know what to say. It felt strange but nice to hear that. For a moment, we just looked at each other, and everything felt different. He kept smiling.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I couldn't help but ask.

His smile grew a touch wider, and there was a hint of something genuine in it. "Nothing," he replied, his tone surprisingly gentle. "It's just... you have really beautiful eyes."

That compliment, coming from him for the second time, was the last thing I expected. I felt my cheeks warm up, a strange shyness taking over. "Uh, thanks," I stammered out.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER


"Try this blue one; it'll look good with your eyes," he said, passing me another blouse. "By the way, I'm Edward, and sorry about before. It's been a tough week. My boss… is a lot to handle."

"I'm Lia. Apologies accepted," I said, touched by his kindness. "It's… sort of nice meeting you, Edward."

Suddenly, his phone rang. It was his boss. "I have to go," he said, looking worried. "Don't worry about the bill… I'll pay at the register."

I told him, "Thanks. I'll take a taxi."

Before leaving, Edward said, "I hope we meet again, not on the road this time."

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER


I smiled. "Yeah, that would be better."

After he left, I felt a strange longing. Edward was different from what I first thought.

I wore the blue blouse he chose and liked how it looked. I wondered why I wanted to see him again.

I rushed to my interview, hoping I made it on time. But I was late again. When I got there, I saw Edward arguing with a man, my interviewer.

"Edward? What are you doing here?" I asked, surprised.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

Edward opened his mouth to respond, but Mr. Hudson, his boss, cut in sharply, "What the hell is going on here?"


I squared my shoulders, facing Mr. Hudson. "I'm Lia. I'm here for the event planner interview."

His eyes narrowed, and he glanced at his watch with evident irritation.

"That position? You're too late. It's closed. You've already lost your chance by not being punctual."

I felt disappointed and didn't know what to say. Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, Edward stepped in.

"Mr. Hudson," Edward interjected, "she was late because of me. I almost hit her with my car this morning. It's my fault."

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

Mr. Hudson glared at him. "Pathetic loser!" he spat. "Not only are you late, but you're also jeopardizing our company's reputation with your reckless driving!"


"And you," he sneered at me, "what are you still doing here, dressed in such a fine blouse but those cheap shoes? Trying to play a part you clearly don't fit?"

"Don't talk to her like that!" Edward took a stand for me again.

Mr. Hudson was shocked, and so was I. "You're defending her? Some girl you just met on the streets?"

Edward replied, "Yes, I am because she deserves respect. I was mad at her earlier and called her names. That wasn't right. I'm correcting myself, and you should, too!"

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

I was amazed by Edward's bravery and couldn't help but smile slightly.


"Now I see why you said your boss is unbearable," I murmured, half to myself.

Then, Edward whispered to me, "Mr. Hudson is also my father."

"Your father?!" I was stunned.

He nodded, and without another word, Edward took me out of there, away from his angry father. Mr. Hudson yelled after us, but we didn't stop. We halted once we were in a park.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

"Why did you stand up to your father for me?" I asked as we walked together.

"Sometimes, you have to do what's right, even if it's hard," he said.

I saw a new side of Edward at that point. He wasn't just rich; he was kind and brave.


I asked if he was worried about his father's reaction, if he'd lose his job because of me. Edward wasn't scared. "He needs me. I'm the only one who can run the business after him," he explained.

Then, I asked about his mother. Edward looked sad.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

"She passed away when I was young," he said. "It changed everything. I was sent to boarding school... Grew up away from my home and my family. My father, he... he never really showed me any affection. It was always about the business, even when I joined him at work."

He also said he never had time for personal things because of his dad's high expectations.

"You deserve to be happy, Edward," I told him. "Go out on dates, live life… For yourself. According to your expectations."

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

He smiled sadly. "I guess we both have our struggles, Lia," he said.

I felt a connection with him and couldn't help but share my story. "You know, my mom died when I was born, and now my dad is sick. I've been job hunting for a while," I said.

Edward was kind. "I admire your strength," he told me.

At that moment, we were too close to each other, lost in each other's eyes. I could smell his expensive cologne, and I guess he could still smell the dollar coffee on me? We almost kissed in the park, but my phone rang.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER


"I... I should take this," I stammered, stepping away from Edward.

The voice on the other end was brisk and official. "Is this Lia? We're pleased to inform you that you've been selected for the event planner position at Hudson Corp."

My mind whirled. I ended the call and hurried back to Edward, a mixture of excitement and confusion bubbling inside me. Without thinking, I threw my arms around him.

"I got the job, Edward! At your company!" I exclaimed.

Edward confessed he helped me get it. "I sent a text to hire you. My dad is the CEO, but I have my connections!" he shrugged with a smile.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER


I frowned. "I wanted to earn it, not get it because you felt sorry for me!" I fumed.

Edward's smile faded. "Look, I just wanted to help. I couldn't stand seeing you so desperate for a job," he said.

But I didn't want his pity. "I thought you were different, Edward. But you're just like the rest, using your wealth to control everything and everyone!"

A week after our argument, I ran into Edward at the café where I'd bought the coffee that first made us cross paths. He said he'd been looking for me.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

"You've been waiting here?" I asked, surprised.


Edward nodded. "Every day, hoping to see you."

I felt guilty for being harsh to him. "I'm sorry, Edward. I overreacted the last time, and—"

He held my hand. "No, I was wrong to interfere. I should've respected your independence. But I care about you."

We talked, and Edward shared the big news. "I've decided to quit my job. I don't want to live by someone else's rules."

I was shocked. "Because of what I said?"

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

He shook his head. "No, it's because I'd been wanting to do that for a long time now, and after what you said, I thought I really needed to live life on my own terms. And I have a plan. I want to start an event planning company. I have some savings, and… would you join me, not just in work but in life?"


I was touched and surprised. "Are you asking me to marry you?" I gasped.

Edward smiled. "Well, consider it a commitment for a lifetime. I'd be more than pleased... and happy to work with my wife!"

I blushed at his words. "I might need some time to think about that," I teased him. "How about we start with a coffee and a donut?"

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

Edward's smile broadened. "That sounds perfect."

At that moment, I couldn't hold myself back any longer, and neither could he. We kissed, feeling hopeful about our future together. It felt like a new beginning for both of us.

As we walked together, I realized Edward was more than just a friend or partner. He is and will always be my sky, moon, stars, and beyond.

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

For illustration purposes only | Source: LOVEBUSTER

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire them.

If you enjoyed reading this story, you might like this one where five people share how they had their hearts broken and canceled their weddings literally at the last minute.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.

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