Homeless girl sits on the street | Source: Shutterstock
Homeless girl sits on the street | Source: Shutterstock

Days Before Wedding, Millionaire’s Daughter Dresses As Homeless to Test Her Wealthy Fiancé — Story of the Day

Ebunoluwa Soneye
Apr 04, 2024
07:28 A.M.

Ava isn't expecting to fall in love with the man her parents arranged for her, but she does. Everything is fine until a few days to the wedding when she hears rumors about him. Ava decides to test him to find out the truth. It's the only way to know if Walter loves her or if he's only pretending.


From the first moment Ava laid eyes on Walter, she knew he was the one.

The dashing smile on his devilishly handsome face lured her to him in a way Ava couldn't resist.

He was effortlessly dressed to perfection in a sleek designer suit that accentuated his strong shoulders.

Delicate lines of muscles bulged through the arms of the three-piece suit he wore as he got up to welcome her to the table.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

The midnight fabric complemented his blue eyes, and everything about him, from the polished shoes he wore, gave him a refined air of elegance.

"He's so stunning," Ava thought as she watched him leave his seat to help pull out her chair.


At that moment, watching him walk back to his seat, Ava felt a little regret for stalling for so long to meet the person her parents arranged for her.

"Ava, I'd like you to meet Walter, my son," his mum said, introducing him to her the second they were all seated.

"What do you think?" Hilda, Ava's mum, whispered to her with a knowing smile as she watched Ava's cheeks redden ever so lightly.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Ava and her family sat on one side of the table, and Walter's family sat on the other side, and even from where she was seated, she could feel the intensity of his gaze.

"We should take some time to get to know each other. This is the twenty-first century, and at the end of the day, we have to make our own decisions," Ava boldly said, speaking to both her parents and his.


It was an arranged meeting of two families, one that would lead to marriage, and Ava fought tooth and nail not to attend.

But she had barely been sitting for a few minutes when she slowly realized she wasn't so opposed to getting married if it was with him.

He looked like a complete gentleman and acted like one throughout the entire dinner, even weeks later, as she learned more about him.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

This was why Ava didn't think twice about it when Walter suddenly went on one knee to propose to her.

She couldn't stop herself from grinning and yelling at the top of her voice in glee.


"Ava, will you marry me? Although we haven't been together long, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

Walter had barely finished speaking when Ava, barely holding in the excitement she felt, screamed.

"YES! YES! I'll marry you," she cried, watching Walter slide a huge diamond ring on her finger, staring more at his face than the ring.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Throughout the month, she got to know Walter; he had been a loving and caring man, and she realized she'd be fortunate to have him as a husband.

Her parents had arranged the marriage with one of their friend's sons mainly because of how wealthy they were.


The last thing they wanted was for Ava to get married to someone who only wanted her because of the money they would inherit.

The wedding was set, and with only a few weeks to go, Ava and her friend Hillary went together to pick a wedding dress for Ava's special day.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

They had only just gotten there, waiting to be attended to, when they heard two women whispering in the background.

At first, out of politeness, Ava tried not to pay attention, but with how loud they were, it was impossible not to hear a few words, especially when she heard Walter's name being mentioned.

"You can't be serious!" the dark-haired woman among the two whisperers harshly snapped.


"You mean Walter, that arrogant blue-eyed Playboy, is getting married? Didn't he break up with his last girlfriend because he thought she wasn't rich enough?"

"I know, but I heard that his parents threatened to disown him if he continued acting out. They also managed to find him a millionaire's daughter," the older woman beside her replied.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

They sat only a few feet away from Ava and Hillary, who glanced at each other in understanding as they continued to listen.

Ava felt it couldn't be Walter, her future fiancé, they were talking about, even if the evidence in front of her proved contrary.

"I pity his future wife, though. I'm sure he only cares about her money and not her. That kind of person can never believe in love," the dark-haired one spoke again, and the woman beside her nodded in agreement.


Ava desperately wanted to continue listening, only to be interrupted when one of the attendants approached them since it was their turn.

Barely minutes into picking the design out of their many options, Hillary quickly noticed Ava was a little distracted, smiling at her phone.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

I can't wait to hold you in my arms. I love you.

It was a heartwarming message to Ava, who quickly sent one back.

I miss you too. I can't wait to see you.

"That's Walter, right?" Hillary asked, breaking her out of the love-bound trance she was in.


Ava nodded, placing her phone back in her bag when she heard Hillary speak again, saying something she had heard her say a few times.

"You know you could always postpone the wedding if you're reluctant to go through with it."

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"What makes you think that?" Ava asked, grabbing the designs on the table and preparing to continue going through them.

"You heard those people talking in the lobby, didn't you?"

"Do you know how many Walters are in this state alone?" Ava asked in return, lifting her head stubbornly to show she didn't want to dwell on the matter.


My own Walter is the kindest and sweetest man I know, Ava thought, convinced that another equally bad man was smearing his reputation with mud.

An hour later, they left the store after Ava picked a design she loved, waving at Hillary as quickly as possible before hopping into her car and heading to Walter's place.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

It had recently rained, and the roads were extremely wet, but it wasn't something her car couldn't handle as she drove slowly to her destination.

It took her barely fifteen minutes to get there, and she was just about to enter the mansion gate when she saw a few homeless people by the side of the road.


Usually, she would have gently passed beside them if she hadn't noticed how drenched they looked, standing together and trying to dry each other off.

She slowed down so as not to splash water on them from the puddles by the side of the street.

She rolled her windows down a little, prepared to offer some money for them to go someplace warm, but that was when she heard their angry conversation.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"That nasty man with the red car, just because he has a car! Rich people are the worst!" A big man among them yelled, whose face she could barely make out under the fullness of his unkempt beard.

"He probably didn't even work for it. Rich parents, I bet. How dare he splash water on us?" another said right before a woman among them opened her mouth to speak.


"With his blue eyes and handsome face. He doesn't deserve any of it!" She groaned in a tone that sounded like she praised him and cursed him at the same time.

Ava, who had been slowing down, quickly rolled her windows back up as she passed soon beside them, heading in through the gates and thinking about what she had just heard.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

They were talking about Walter, the owner of the house she just drove into, but at the same time, she couldn't believe he would do such a thing.

Maybe he was on his phone and accidentally splashed water on them, Ava thought as she parked and stepped out of the car.

Walter had once told her about the many charities he contributed to and even offered to support the ones she preferred.


Walter isn't such a superficial person.

Ava hadn't called beforehand but didn't think it was a problem since he had given her the keys to his house and allowed her to come as she pleased.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Just as she entered through the unlocked front door, she was shocked to hear the always calm person she knew screaming at the top of his lungs on the phone.

"Get them out of here! I want all of them gone!" Ava heard him yell into the phone, his face an angry mess she had never seen before, as blue veins drew paths on his forehead.

More worried than annoyed, she moved closer as she heard him continue.


"I don't want to see those beggars anywhere near my house again. I don't care where you toss them!" Walter yelled, turning around as he spoke only to freeze at the sight of Ava.

Immediately, he raised his hand to massage his forehead in an exhausted manner, lowering his tone at the same time.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"I want those beggars off the streets. In this rainy season, who knows how many of them will fall sick and die? Find a place for them!" he yelled into the phone before hanging up.

"Ava! I'm so glad you're here," he gushed as he walked over to give her a big hug.

"On my way into my house, I saw a couple of beggars, and seeing them in the rain broke my heart. I was calling for someone to find a good place for them." he quickly explained, trying to gauge her reaction.


Is that what he meant by just tossing them anywhere? Ava thought, not knowing what to think.

"They are pitiful, and when I passed by, all I wanted to do was help, you know?" Walter asked her, and all Ava could do was nod.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Still, the memory of how infuriated Walter had remained in her mind as she wondered if he was truly angry at the condition of the people he had seen or at the people themselves.

Their wedding was in a week, and just after was Walter's appointment as the director for one of her father's charity organizations.

She had persuaded her father to give him such a huge position, convinced that he could do it, but now Ava wasn't so sure.


Just as loving as he usually was, he pulled her to the kitchen, where he began preparing to cook for her with a light smile on his face.

"Tell me, what do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you?" Walter asked, donning an apron and already getting ready to begin.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Is it possible for him to be pretending? It's been a month; can he really pretend for that long? Ava wondered as she moved closer to help him.

At that moment, Ava decided to test him and try to find out if, indeed, the demeanor he showed was nothing but a sham.

"Why not just hire a private investigator? He could find out everything you need to know and more," Hillary asked Ava the second Ava told Hillary her plan. "Isn't that easier than hiring an actor? What if it doesn't work?"


"It will. People let down their guard easily around strangers, and this particular actor I hired is pretty good," Ava boasted with a smile on her face as she recalled how she found him online.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

"All I want to find out is whether or not Walter is truly the kind of man I think he is," Ava told Hillary, who sat in front of her in the café they chose to meet.

"Fine. So when exactly is this actor going to act?" Hillary curiously asked, seeing the excited expression on her friend's face.

"Now!" Ava responded by passing her a big hat to cover her hair and face.

"Why do you think I called you here in the first place? This is Walter's favorite café, and he'll be here soon," Ava said, donning a hat just as big as the one she had given Hillary.


There were only a few people inside, which made the whole atmosphere of the place cozier than when it was crowded.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Ava was texting fast on her phone while Hillary did her best to concentrate on the coffee in front of her.

"Aren't you worried that the love of your life might get angry if he finds out that you set him up?" Hillary suddenly asked, watching Ava text Walter.

"If everything goes well, he won't ever find out," Ava replied, texting a bit more before finally putting her phone aside.

"Now all we have to do is wait a little," Ava whispered in a low voice, clearly excited about what they were up to.


Unexpectedly, they didn't have to wait long for both of them to see Walter walk into the café from where they were seated by the window.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Ava looked up and couldn't help but be impressed the second her eyes landed on her fiancé.

He wore a white sweater and black pants, and she could see the effortless way people turned to stare at him as he headed to the counter.

Ava was a little worried when she saw that nothing was happening, only breathing a sigh of relief when she finally saw someone step into the café at that exact moment.

"I hope everything goes well," Ava whispered under her breath as she continued watching impatiently to see what was about to happen.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

The second Walter got to the counter, with a blank expression, he made his order, resisting the urge to tap his fingers impatiently on the counter as he watched them make it.

He wouldn't have had to personally get the coffee himself if Ava hadn't begged him to also get something for her.

He had barely spent a minute waiting when he heard someone move closer to him from behind; the faint, unfamiliar odor in the air made him instantly turn around to see who it was.

It was a man covered partly in dirt and dressed in shabby clothes, and Walter almost lost his temper.

The thought that such a café could allow people like the man behind him to go in irritated him beyond words, as he hurriedly stepped to the side, trying to put more distance between them.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"Awww, he's so nice," Ava whispered to Hillary as she watched Walter move to allow the man behind him to go first.

Hillary, too, couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Unlike Ava, who was half-blinded with love, Hillary always felt that Walter was slightly arrogant.

Seeing the attitude he displayed, Hillary couldn't help but feel like she had misjudged him as she continued watching.

Meanwhile, Walter could feel himself boiling from within as he glared hatefully at the café attendant even though he could see how hard he worked at finishing his orders.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

It only worsened when he heard the person beside him open his mouth to speak. "I hope you don't mind me jumping in. I want some water."

"It's fine, it's fine," Walter hurriedly responded, knowing that the faster the person in front of him got what he came for and left, the better he would feel.

Standing to the side, half-holding his breath, Walter hurriedly ordered the attendant to give the man what he wanted.

"Can I also have a loaf of bread?"

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"Of course, I'll pay for it," Walter automatically responded.

"Whatever you want," Walter replied somewhat stiffly, recalling his lawyer's warning about acting in public.

Don't you dare act out until your wedding! This is your last chance, and you'll have no one to blame but yourself if you mess it up.

"Just order and get out," Walter thought, finally breathing a sigh of relief as he waited for the man beside him to leave once he had everything he requested.

Walter was convinced that nothing more could go wrong until he felt a warm liquid sink into the cashmere fabric of his sweater.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Looking down, even his pants and shoes weren't left unaffected, as the scent of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air, forever rendering his white sweater useless.

Walter saw red, clenching his fists as he stepped closer to the beggar, seconds away from throwing caution to the wind and raining insults on him.

But Walter had just opened his mouth when, from the corner of his eye, he spotted someone he was sure wasn't supposed to be there.

"I'm sorry, sir. I swear I didn't mean to. I can pay for it," the shabbily dressed man pleaded, tossing himself at Walter before he could turn around and get a good look.

With tears streaming from his eyes, he held onto Walter's sweater, which became browner by the second as all the cream and bread the man had ordered spilled even more on him.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"I'll pay for it. I promise!" the man begged.

Furious, Walter raised his hand about to knock the daylight out of the filthy beggar still clinging to him, only to recall the image of the person he thought he saw in the Café.

I can't risk it. If it's actually her, then I'm in more trouble than I thought, Walter thought, getting on his feet and offering a hand to the beggar with clenched teeth.

At that moment, he was willing to do anything to achieve his goals, even if it meant kissing the man's feet.

"It's just clothes, nothing more. You can get more food at the counter; I'll pay," Walter offered, leading the man to the counter while vigorously typing on his phone, trying to send a quick message to his friend.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


From afar, Ava wondered who he was texting but, above all, couldn't stop smiling as she beamed at Hillary.

"He's indeed the man I thought he was, don't you think so?" her eyes twinkled with joy as she asked Hillary, who didn't seem as excited.

"There was one moment he flared up, and I think he might have seen—"

"No, I'm sure he didn't see us," Ava whispered back, lowering her head as she watched Walter walk out with his order without glancing in their direction.

"If he did, then he would have walked over to speak to me. There's nothing to worry about," Ava said with a bigger smile as she got up to order.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


She was happy that her future fiancé was nothing like the rumors she had heard, and she couldn't stop smiling as she ordered for her and Hillary.

Walter stepped outside, walking side by side with the beggar, who walked beside him with a smile.

They had just rounded a corner when he grabbed the man's shirt and whispered harshly in his ears.

A frightened expression flashed across the man's face as he trembled from head to toe, stammering for a few seconds before responding to Walter's questions.

Walter's grip around the man's neck was tight as he sneered down at him, watching him fall the second he let him go.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash


"Say a word of this to Ava, and I'll make sure to do everything I told you," Walter openly threatened, tossing his hot coffee at him before walking back into the open.

Walter returned to his car and instantly headed home with a huge scowl.

She knows. Even if she's not sure, she suspects me, he thought, dialing the number of the only person he knew who could help him.

Left behind, Joe lay sprawled on the ground, glad that most of the coffee tossed at him had landed on his thick, shabby clothes instead of his skin.

"I knew this job was too good to be true. How did such a nice woman end up with such a psycho?" he mumbled under his breath as he scrambled to his feet.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Instead of calling his client's number as arranged to get his final payment, Joe touched his neck, where he could still feel the tightness of Walter's fingers, before heading straight home.

"She knows!" Walter yelled, his voice booming across his house in waves.

"Calm down. What exactly does she know?" Brandon, his friend, gently asked, pouring wine into the two glasses in front of him.

Gently, with a calm expression on his face, Brandon handed a glass to him, sipping the other as he gently lowered himself into a chair.

He had already told Walter twice to sit down and had no intention of doing so again.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"I'm telling you, Brandon. She hired that actor to test me, and if I had failed, it would have been over."

"The fact that she hired the actor means she was testing you, so she's not yet sure. You passed, right?"

"Yes, I noticed she was there before acting out," Walter replied with an extremely anxious expression, gulping the contents in his glass, hoping it would help.

"But the fact that she already suspects me means she knows something."

"Do you know how many rumors about you are flying around? All you have to do is keep a low profile. If you do as I say, you'll be fine," Brandon confidently told Walter, who seemed to finally calm down.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


He had known Brandon for years, and taking his advice had never steered him wrong. The fact that he had managed to capture Ava's heart was partly thanks to him.

"Show that you care more than ever. Spend more money on those charity galas she likes. There's barely a week to the wedding, and all you have to do is persevere until then," Brandon instructed him, and Walter listened with rapt attention.

"You can't go to any party, even the underground ones. You can't even look at another girl twice, do you understand me?" Brandon warned him with a fierce look.

Walter has been his longtime friend, and unlike him, who was widely known to be easy-going, Walter had a reputation for being wild.

If you're going to be bad, it's better to do so with a good reputation, Brandon thought, knowing that it was the only way he had gotten far in life.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


That night, after Ava got home, she spent hours talking to Walter on the phone, convinced that he was truly the only person she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

"I love you, too," she whispered into the phone after saying her goodbyes before hanging up.

Even after the call was no longer connected, covered with her blanket, she couldn't stop staring at the phone, counting down to the day she would exchange vows with him.

Two days later, her wedding gown was ready, and instead of going with Hillary to pick it up, she went alone.

Hillary was in charge of checking on the bridesmaid's dresses, and it was in a completely different store.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Ava was in a good mood as she parked her car and walked towards the store, a little impatient to try on her dress again.

The last thing she expected was to have a woman suddenly dash in front of her and block her in a way that Ava couldn't move past.

She tried, but the woman would move, spreading her arms on both sides of her to prevent Ava from dashing to the side.

It was such a childish move that instead of getting annoyed at the inconvenience, Ava wanted to know why.

"Do you need something from me?" Ava gently asked, not knowing what else to say even though it was obvious that the woman's clothes were expensive.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Her skin was flawless, and with her height, Ava couldn't help but assume she was a model, which was why she couldn't understand what the woman could possibly want from her.

"You're Ava, right, the woman getting married to Walter in a few days?" She asked without even trying to introduce herself first.

Ava nodded, not seeing a reason to lie since she would indeed be getting married to Walter in a couple of days.

"I am. I love him, and I—" Ava said, openly confessing her love for Walter just in case the woman was an ex who was against their marriage and intended to ruin it.

But before Ava could continue, the woman interrupted her again.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


"Don't bother. I just wanted to warn you that Walter is not who you think he is. Don't marry him, or you'll live to regret it," The woman said with a deathly serious expression.

Ava could see how sincere she was, even if she couldn't help but wonder if she was just pretending as she watched her leave the second she was done talking.

"What did he do?" Ava hurriedly asked before she could walk too far, wondering what animosity the woman had against Walter.

Walter had told her a little of his stormy past with his exes, but the woman seemed to have a bigger bone to pick with him.

But instead of turning around to give Ava a good response, or any response at all, the woman continued walking away.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


With no other choice on what else to do, Ava also entered the store to pick up her wedding dress, even though her mind wasn't completely there throughout the entire process.

I tested Walter, and he passed. What more could possibly be wrong? she thought, remembering how loving he was towards her the closer it was to the wedding.

After getting her wedding gown, the moment she got back home, she decided to call Joe, the actor she had hired, wondering if he had noticed anything out of place when she worked for her.

She had tried meeting up with him, but he had refused and had thought nothing more of it as she sent the rest of his money into his bank account.

She dialed his number the first time, but he didn't pick up. Still, she dialed it the second time, and again, he chose not to pick.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


At this point, Ava was ready to give up. She figured he was probably busy and would call her later when he wasn't.

But hours later, when Joe refused to call her back, Ava decided to call him again.

Although she was happy to be getting married, she was also worried, realizing that the commitment she wanted was a lifelong one and not something she wanted to regret later on.

Ava was ecstatic when she heard him finally pick up the phone, only to be just as shocked at the words he said to her.

"Don't call me again! I only picked up your call because you're a good client. If you know what's good for you, you'll leave that man alone!" Joe yelled, hanging up the second he was done.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


Ava was stunned, frozen on the spot for a few seconds, staring at the phone in her hands.

Joe's words surprised her, seeing as how he had completely disappeared since the day they worked together.

Did he notice something about Walter? Why can't he tell me? Ava wondered, tempted to call him back only to decide not to at the very last second.

Joe made it clear that he wouldn't be picking up her calls, and it would be foolish for her to continue calling him.

With the numerous warning signs she was seeing, left and right, regardless of how much she loved him, Ava knew she would be a fool to marry him without testing him one more time.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels


This time around, I'll do it myself, she decided, already thinking of a plan in her head.

She barely slept, as she did her best to ensure the plan was utterly foolproof.

The next day, Ava had completely mapped the entire plan in her head so that everything would go smoothly when she began implementing it.

The first step was getting old clothes that reeked and smelled so bad that no one would want her around them.

She planned to pretend to be a homeless person and wanted to be the smelliest one Walter had ever met.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

It was the only way she could be sure of the kind of person he was.


After she was all dressed, a filthy scarf over her head, covering her forehead, and patches of dirt on her face, Ava was convinced that she was ready.

Quickly, she texted him that she would like to meet him in a fancy restaurant she had fully booked for the day before waiting outside at the carpark for him to arrive.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Unsplash

Unlike before, when she had hired an actor, Ava wanted to see for herself the kind of person Walter was.

She waited by the parking lot, and the second she spotted his car in one of the restaurant's parking spaces, she quickly hurried toward him.


"Please, Mister. Can you help me?" Ava begged, not feeling the least bit ashamed because of how she was dressed as she stared at Walter, who stared back at her.

Ava wasn't surprised that he didn't recognize her.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

The second Walter got out of his car and laid eyes on the beggar, he wanted to lash out, only to recall Brandon's warning, realizing that he was in public where anyone could see him.

Only three more days. I can't afford to mess up, he decided as he handed a couple of notes to the beggar with a stiff smile and walked away.

Ava was amazed, especially since she was well aware of how dirty she smelled.


Seeing Walter's reaction, Ava accepted the results and decided to go back home to change, only to change her mind when she realized it would take a long time to return.

Moreover, since he had again passed her test, Ava decided to reveal everything to Walter.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

She couldn't help but feel a little guilty for not trusting him and felt that in the future, she needed to come clean and explain how anxious she had been about the rumors she heard.

Entering the restaurant, she instantly headed straight towards him, trying to grab his arm as she called his name.

"Wal—" she began, but the words had barely left her mouth when she felt a hard stinging force against her face.


Walter slapped her, to Ava's horror.

"I-I'm a woman," Ava stuttered in shock, not knowing what else to say as she watched Walter glare at her with hostile and unfamiliar eyes.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"You stinking wrench. The only reason I didn't slap you before was that we were in public. How dare you follow me!" Walter yelled, pushing her back with the tip of his fingers as he continued cursing at her.

"You poverty-stricken set of beggars, I hate your kind the most!"

Walter had been holding in his emotions for a while, and seeing the utterly empty restaurant felt like a grand opportunity to take out his emotions on the beggar who dared to almost touch him.


"I've been going around with a kind look just because I'm trying to get a woman to marry me, and you think you can take advantage of that. Get out, or I'll slap you again!" Walter continued yelling, and Ava could tell that he meant every word.

"Wal—" Ava said, trying to get his attention and tell him she was the one, only to feel another hard stinging slap against her cheek.

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Touching her face, she felt it burn as her eyes stung from both the pain and the realization that Walter was nothing like the man she fell in love with.

"Don't you dare call my name! I don't know who told you my name, but a lowly human like you doesn't deserve to use it!"


"Security! Come and drag this woman out of here!" Walter shouted, wanting them to drag her out quickly before Ava arrived.

"My parents will disown me if anything goes wrong with this wedding," Walter muttered as he massaged his forehead from the pressure he felt building there.

Lowering his hand, he was shocked to see the female beggar in front of him slowly remove her scarf and wipe her face clean with the back of her hands.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

"It doesn't matter how pretty you're trying to be. To me, you'll still be a dirty beggar that doesn't deserve to breathe the same—" Walter began to say, only to suddenly freeze in shock at the sight before him.


The person standing before him looked a lot like Ava, but at the same time, it was hard for him to think she was the one.

"It's impossib—"

"It's me, Ava," Ava slowly said, touching her cheeks and thinking of what else she could say to him with how broken her heart felt.

"But Ava, how could you deceive me like this? Was this all a trap, a test? I thought you loved me. I thought you trusted me," Walter slowly began to say on the verge of tears, trying to turn things around.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Ava, on the other hand, just shook her head and stared at him with a smile on her face.


"The wedding is off. I really hope your parents disown you. I can't imagine what they're going through," Ava told him before leaving.

The second she got home, she informed her parents about all that had happened, giving them the full details, including how Walter had slapped her twice, and it was more than enough to get the wedding canceled.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Her parents were furious with his parents, who, in turn, were even more pissed off at their son.

Ava didn't care what they did to him and was only glad she found out the truth before it was too late.

A few months later, her parents again matched her with someone new.


Out of curiosity, Ava agreed to go, especially since it would only be her and the man she would meet in the restaurant without her parents.

The restaurant was fancy, and the ambiance was terrific, so much so that even Ava, born into luxury, couldn't help but be a little impressed.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

She saw him, and Ava truly was impressed. Every fiber of his body oozed an aura of calmness, and he looked like a gentleman.

The moment they sat down, one after the other, they slowly introduced each other.

"My name is Brandon. I'm sure you've heard a lot about me," he said with a dashing smile that lit up his handsome face.


"My name is Ava. And yes, I've heard a lot about you," Ava smiled before glancing at her phone, where she had stored the extensive file she had on him.

A day before the meeting, she contacted a renowned private investigator to find out everything she could about him after getting his full name.

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

For illustration purposes only. | Source: Pexels

Ava had been surprised when she finally laid eyes on him.

She was astonished to think that someone who looked like such an angel could be even more deadly than Walter, her last fiancé.

I guess looks can be highly deceiving, Ava thought, waiting for him to make the first move before teaching him a lesson he won't forget.


Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

Michael lives in an unhappy marriage. One day, he cheats on his wife with a stranger. Michael has no idea what trials this betrayal will lead to and what consequences he will face. Here's the full story.

This piece is inspired by stories from the everyday lives of our readers and written by a professional writer. Any resemblance to actual names or locations is purely coincidental. All images are for illustration purposes only. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com

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