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We firmly believe that every person has an important story to tell and use our platform to connect readers through their emotions, dreams, and faith within a larger online community.

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Welcome to THECELEBRITIST.COM! Our multimedia platform was launched in 2017. We aim to magnify the voice of women across the world.

THECELEBRITIST.COM offers access to a global audience for brands and advertisers. Our brand has earned a trustworthy reputation across digital and social media platforms. We strive to ensure a safe space for advertisers.

Our commitment to quality journalism enables us to provide unrivaled multimedia platforms for distribution and licensing. Our team of professionals offers custom target audiences and reliable insight into the development of brands and campaigns.



offers custom ad Placements to help brands better connect with our audience. Placements sizes include: 300x250 (mobile), 970x250 header (desktop) and 300x600 units.



Our video team is constantly growing. They can produce and film unique and Highly viewable brand videos. We also edit existing video materials for use across Social Media platforms.


Editorial sponsorship

We also ensure that brand ads, logos and messages are aligned to suit the premium editorial content on our site. An example is an airline logo and advertisement appearing on a post about travel or a kid’s food ad on a parenting post.

Custom ads

This option includes custom placements with different ad sizes and formats.

The advertiser has the option to create and use a banner, video or native style ads. We offer the option to choose the most suitable formats suited to the individual in order to reach the largest portion of our unique community instantly.


Sponsored content

We also offer the option to sponsor content.

This option generates publicity and Positive feedback for the brand. This option allows the brand to deliver native content, customize it with its own brand and style.


Our audience is located in more than 4 countries across the world. Advertising with us allows brands to tap into our audience that consists of:


Subscribers on Facebook


Monthly video views